Chapter 3: The Light

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I'm at Disneyland and no it will not keep me from posting. YO WAIT IMA GO TO BATUU RN. SEE YALL AT DOCKING BAY 7!!


There was a distinct smell in the air, one she was very fond of and brought her many good memories. It was the smell of luscious greenery from the planet that felt most like home. Leaves crunched beneath her feet on the dirt path and oddly, it comforted her. The tall trees blotted out the sun, if not for the gaps in between, it'd be dark in the woods. But as it was, streams of golden light guided her forward.

She had parked the Deviant a short ways away to hopefully keep it from being found. As worried as she was about the safety of her ship, her home, she trusted this person with all her heart.

Batuu was one of her favorite planets, but not only because of its green forests and local dishes. She had a history that lived here. A history that was heavily influenced by who she was going to meet. It'd been too long in Vella's opinion, but after everything that had happened a few years ago she'd needed a break from just about everyone and everything.

Her eyes closed as she took in a deep breath and let it out slowly like her master had trained her to. Those difficult days had passed, but there was still hope for tomorrow. The small green child she'd met was evidence that the Force was still strong in the galaxy, it hadn't died with the Jedi.

But that didn't mean she had to embrace her past. The Jedi were long gone, the Force was... fickle... and she alone was left. Yet, if that was how it was to be, she could accept that. She'd accept that she was alone as a Jedi.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the hut came into view. It was small with a pointed leafy roof and mud structure and a few small and simple amenities like the generator that powered it. It was invisible by sky, blending in easily with the rest of the forest in its earthy tones. Her friend was a bit paranoid about the Empire. But for good reason.

Vella's boots stopped at the door as she looked at it. It'd been years since she'd last seen her and so much had happened in between then and now. What would she think when she took her first look at the woman Vella had become? Would she be proud of what she saw? Vella supposed there was no way to know until she knocked.

"Nahla," she called as she tapped her boot lightly against the wooden door, "it's Vella."

There was silence, if she couldn't sense the distinguishable Force signature of her friend inside she might have been worried. But there it was, strong and constant and wise. She was home.

The door swung open quickly and Vella set eyes on her, a Togruta. Her long white and gray lekku draped down past her shoulders and her montrals seemed to be taller than Vella last remembered, sharper too. The woman wore her tribal clothes that wrapped around her similar to how the Jedi had worn their tunics but with much more details and designs. Her Batuuan scarf was tied around her bicep, proudly flaunting the planet's insignia. The woman looked older than she'd remembered her, but it had been a long time. She was probably as old as Vella's parents would have been if she'd ever known them.

Nahla U'nic, former Togruta chief and rebel with the Alliance. She found Vella struggling to survive after the murder of her master and the fall of the Jedi order. Of course, Nahla hadn't known any of that then, all she saw was a poor, hungry, abused teenager without anyone. There was no way she was leaving that child behind. So she'd raised her from that terrified, untrusting, teen, to the beautiful woman before her. And what a difference all those years had made, with some constants. Vella was strong now, she'd lived a life full of love and emotions, but she still had those same fears.

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