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Aleksander knew that Aurelia was often contemplating his murder, honestly, the thought invoked bodily reactions that made Aleksander glad for the kefta's covering.

She would turn to him, her eye's alight with burning anger. Aleksander had never encountered a passion or the calling that Aleksander had with Aurelia.

He had looked at every person, every pretty prince and lovely lady, and he still found Aurelia's face in his mind.

He wasn't a foolish boy anymore, content to let perfection escape his hold. It might've only taken him a second to realise his mistake but that had cost him centuries of Aurelia.

But now? Things were different, he was different, he was powerful, and he had achieved peace for Grisha. No longer were Grisha attacked or otkazat'sya's forced into the army. Ravka had regained its wealth and status. Aleksander was proud of the man he had become, proud to be the man worthy of Aurelia's love.

He had fucked up, catastrophically, but the mere thought of Aurelia looking back at him with some semblance of affection was enough for him to wake up every morning with a smile.

It kept him going even when she rejected his advancements when she had that bored facade on her face as he tried to romance her over tea. Even when he caught one of his Grisha, Seraphine, sneaking out of her room early in the morning, hair looking messed and clothes hastily done.

Aleksander knew the end result, Aurelia was worth a thousand painful days, and he had centuries of practising self resemble, but a man could only take so much.

Aleksander had even briefly considered throwing Aurelia on his shoulder and finding an isolated cabin so they could fuck all the sexual tension away and Aurelia looked at him in the eyes with something other than burning anger.

But given her current overtly interest in the Grisha training, Aleksander did not think it possible. "A seamstress will be coming into your room with an update on your new wardrobe and sketch's for your ballgown."

Aurelia looked up at him in surprise, she looked absolutely ravishing in a kefta, especially when she tried to look amused at the news.

"I'm well aware Aleksander, although I don't know why your kingly duties extend to the state of my wardrobe."

Aleksander grinned and raised a suggestive eyebrow, and made sure she noted his deliberate gaze on her body. Aleksander forced his tone not to betray any of his current desire, "I would hate for you to find yourself out of clothes."

Aurelia rolled her eyes at him, something she did a lot around him. "Yes, I'm afraid my nudist days are behind me."

Aleksander was not surprised by her reply, although the thought of Aurelia naked had his mind looping around. "Pity I missed them."

"The only pity around here is the fact that you are still alive."

"God I love your kind words, have you considered becoming a poet?" Aleksander replied with false niceness.

"Oh, I'm afraid that you have occupied that prestigious position. I still remember the notes you used to leave me", this surprised Aleksander as Aurelia seemed content to ignore their past, "what was it again?" Aurelia snapped her fingers again, a teasing tone in her voice, "Oh my dear, your eyes are the colour of precious metal. I think of you when sharpening my sword and think of sheathing you on my sword."

Aleksander felt a blush rise up on his face and ears, against his will. He dragged his hands across his face and let out a defeated laugh, seeing Aurelia's amused smile was worth the embarrassing memories assaulting him.

Aleksander threw his hands up in a mock defeat "Hey, I was young, dumb and in love."

The sentence seems to break Aurelia's smile, anger replacing her earlier giddiness. Aleksander berated himself for making her smile go away. Aurelia turned her body away from Aleksander and focused on the training rink.

Inferni were burning dummies and engaging in hand-to-hand combat, which Aurelia seemed fascinated by. Aleksander was proud of what he had created.

"I've been meaning to ask you, do you want to be trained?" Aurelia's face whipped around, "On what?"

"Controlling your Materialki abilities? I don't know how you hid them from me, as you must know by now that I am a natural amplifier. But I see the way you watch the training" Aleksander reached his hand out and caught her kefta, "you could train."

Aurelia seemed to think over his offer before answering "I will think about it."

Aleksander smiled down at her, "Good that's all I ask."


"You murdered a fucking member of the Fjerdan embassy?" Aleksander practically screamed at Aurelia.

Aurelia stayed seated on the large leather chairs in Aleksander's chambers. Glancing at her nails, Aurelia calmly looked up at Aleksander "No, I murdered a rapist who happened to be a member of the Fjerdan embassy. Besides the supposed murder took place in Ketterdam, not Ravka, I don't know why you overreacting."

"Overreacting." Aleksander grasped his hair in his hands like a mad man, pacing across the room, his steps silenced by the thick carpet. Stopping in front of Aurelia's chair, Aleksander pointed a finger to his chest. "You think I am overreacting."

Aurelia raised a brow at his question, "Yes. Is it your time of the month? Perhaps you need a nap?"

"I am not a child Aurelia, I am a king. A king who set loud intentions about marrying you, attentions that highlighted a murder you committed."

"Well, perhaps this is divine retribution, another sigh not to have kidnapped me."

Aleksander let out a sigh, his chest heaving at the sight of a bored Aurelia, she looked like a queen on a throne, surrounded by chaos yet remaining unaffected.

"Saints you well know that now the Fjderans have a right to imprison you."

"But I thought that you were oh-so-powerful, can you just not let pass through the fold, it's worked for the last three hundred years."

"Yes it has, and it has avoided all other forms of conflict. You hardly want a war starting for you, imagine all the lives lost."

Aurelia reminded silent.

"I can only know of one assured way of making you a Ravkan citizen with diplomatic immunity."

"Aleksander you'd have better not concocted this thing up just to say what I think you are about to say."

This time it was Aleksander who was grinning, happy with himself, "We need to get married, and soon."

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