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Swatches of fabric had been delivered later, it seemed Aleksander's delusions extended beyond talk.

Get married. Honestly, Aleksander liked to act as if he was the only one dealing with politics over the last few centuries.

Become my Queen. Please, if Aurelia wanted to be a queen there were so many better options than Aleksander, the only bonus would be the Ravkan jewel collection, worth more than any other countries combined ten over.

Although, Aurelia did  look fantastic in a crown.

"I see that look on your face, you are considering it." Aleksander exclaimed, as if he were a boy who had caught Aurelia spying.

"Must be passing gas."

Aleskander made a sound of refusal.

Aurelia sent him a pointed look, "You are aware that acts of insanity are reasonable grounds for dethroning."

Aleksander groaned, "Are you aware that killing someone has consequences?"

"Yes and those consequences usually involve a jail cell or a noose not a white dress and the devastating idea of being tied to you."

"Oh please Aurelia, I know you would be dripping in gold with not an inch of white on you. And I will have you know that many women would kill to be in your place."

"Kill? That's what got me here in the first place." Aurelia exclaimed, throwing her hands out in outrage, almost flicking off one of the many golden rings adoring her painted nails, some gifted to her by the man in front of her.

Aleksander's face soured, as he deadpanned "Yes. I am aware."

"Oh please, don't act like this isn't like Yule morning for you and your perverse notions of love between us."

Aleksander smirked, "Trust me, my dreams of Yule mornings involves a lot less clothing and our chambers."

"Ugh you disgust me."

"I didn't disgust you before, when I used to do that thing with my tongue and you would-"

"Aleksander!" Aurelia shouted.

"Yes, my love." Aleksander dreamily replied.

Aurelia rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back in the arm chair, "Aleksander I have allowed you to continue with this disillusion that I will somehow waltz back into you life and be on my knees begging for your love, but it is time to stop."

"Yes I know that Aurelia, you hate waltzing without music and I'd much rather be on my knees."

Aurelia took a pillow and pushed into onto her face and screamed in, the shuffling of the guards feet could be heard outside, prepared to burst in and guard their king.

"Saints, you are the most frustrating man alive."

"Thanks, it's the centuries worth of practice." Aleksander sweetly replied with a sarcastic undertone.

"It's a miracle no one has mangered to kill your annoying ass."

"I'll have you know my ass is one of my top ten features."

"Yes along with your refusal to die."

Aleksander dramatically flared his arms and threw his hands to his heart as if he had been stabbed, "Oh Aurelia you wound me deeply."

"Not deep enough" Aurelia muttered.


The hot steam from the Banya seemed to cloud Aurelia senses. Aurelia was laying her head on Seraphines thighs as Seraphine ran her hands through Aurelia's hair.

"But won't he be mad?"

"Mad? I think entering a game and setting out to dethrone him from under his nose is reason enough for him to get pissy about it for at least a day."

"Yeah. But he is so..." Seraphine threw her arms out "enamoured, with you. It's kind of cute, we've never seen him like this before."

Aurelia snorted, "I once saw the man fall asleep on his bowl of soup after spending over an hour enamoured with the new chandeliers. He's no better than a moth when it comes to light and shiny things."

Seraphine grinned from above Aurelia, "Well then it's a good thing your golden."

Aurelia sighed, "I am amazing."

"And you have the Tsar wrapped around your finger, and you aren't even abusing it. Ravka is growing and prospering. Think about the power you could have as Queen."

"I'm insulted you think this is my first offer to be a Queen. But I would enjoy changing some things up."

"Exactly, besides the scouts sent word this morning and apparently the Fjderans are coming within the week."

"I don't understand why Aleksander can't just manipulate the fold to block their path."

"Because he is trying to be diplomatic, and ruining our relationship could possibly be harmful for Ravka."

"I know, I know. It's just like what is the point of having all this power and shadows if he can't even use it."

Seraphine grinned "Oh from what i've heard he can use his shadows very well."

"Ugh, why does very conversation so have end up back to the topic of Aleksander."

"Maybe because he is a king in love with you and trying to make you his queen."

"See exactly, his queen, not queen. That's why I am going to play in the Ecplise games, then I can prove to Ravkans that I am better than him."

"I think it is because you want to prove to Ravka that you are a suitable leader."

"Don't bring the bullshit into this banya."

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