Chapter 1 - Sympathy For The Devil

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A short time after the events of the first Kinder Cosmic...

Outside of a bar in New Bedford, Massachusetts; there’s a large sign adorned with the words “Knuckleheads”. The glass doors of the bar are pushed open, then slam closed as one eager customer after another pushes their way into the building; serenaded with the sound of music which spills outside of the sports bar’s doors and into the nearby street accompanied with the joyful commotion of voices whistling and cheering.

It’s karaoke night at knuckleheads but not just any karaoke night…

Jorg runs and slides across a stage within the bar as the all familiar melody of the rolling stone's "Sympathy for the devil" can be heard resonating with the tune of piano notes and bongo drums:

Jorg: YEOWW!

Jorg : YEOOOW!

Jorg twists his hips and shakes his ass to the melody of the music, his hands limp at the wrists as they flail about around him flamboyantly, he continues singing:

Jorg: YEOW!

Jorg continues dancing to the rhythm of bongo drums as he phases to a nearby female bar patron and starts singing the lyrics of the song:

Jorg: Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste!

Jorg phases to another patron

Jorg: I've been around for a long, long years; stole million man's soul an faith!

Jorg phases to yet another patron

Jorg: And I was round' when Jesus Christ had his moments of doubt and pain!

Jorg phases again

Jorg: Made damn sure that pilate washed his hands and sealed his fate!

Jorg phases back to the stage


Female bar patrons: JOOOORG! WE FUCKING LOVE YOU!

A girl screams while holding a sign with a picture of Jorg drawn on it accompanied by a heart, another girl next to her that strips off her top.

Jorg: Boobies!

Jorg expresses with glee inbetween lyrics pointing thumbs up finger guns at the young woman causing her to faint and fall backwards onto the barroom floor:


As Jorg continues the song he keeps phasing throughout the bar singing and levitating every glass, barstool, and some people off of the ground.

Jorg's karaoke show finally eventually comes to it’s end and as the song settles; the charismatic little alien sprints to the bar room table and slams his face into a pile of exo-crystal dust waiting for him, rears back and falls straight into the floor:


A crowd of  bar patrons gather around him and Jorg looks up to see a sea of concerned faces staring back at him, the little alien yells reassuringly above the murmur of the crowd::

Jorg: I'M AIGHT!

The bar room erupts once more with cheer and laughter.

Meanwhile, filming on location in Las Vegas, Nevada is the popular reality television show “Shark Tank”.

This episode starts out as many others; with several figures of wealth and industry espousing their various successes. These human beings strut about with an air of superiority and innate accomplishment coupled with film shots of luxury cars, private jets, and all of the finer points of the human condition. As the intro ends and the show begins the wealthy panel of finance and judgement can be seen seated before a camera crew awaiting patiently.

The host of the show begins speaking: "Today on "Shark Tank" we have a very special guest! He’s saved the world from utter annihilation, the son of a prodigious space cloud and honorary member of the Wu-Tang clan!  It's the extraterrestrial Alpha from the Kuiper Belt!"

Alpha calmly, yet slowly steps out before the titans of industry, eyes the panel of investors with a slight grimace on his face and stands quietly with his hands in his coat pockets.

Mark Cuban: So, what do you have for us today Alpha?

Alpha casually pulls a small alien device fitted with strange gemstones out of his coat pocket.

Robert Herjavec: And what is that exactly?
Alpha’s expression turns into a wry smile as he speaks flatly.

Alpha: It's a micro quantum processor, a device that can transmit a near limitless amount of data over vast distances nearly instantaneously.

Alpha presses a button on the device and it plays an audio transmission of Martin Luther King speaking as if the device is transmitting radio signals from beyond the far reaches of space and time itself:

MLK: "As long as there is poverty in this world, no man can be totally rich even if he has a billion dollars."

Every single one of the investors immediately perks up in their seats at the sight of Alphas advanced technological innovation, each frothing at the mouth at the implications of such an advanced piece of technology.

Mark Cuban: w-w-what do you want for it?

Alpha speaks nonchalantly, his grin widens:

Alpha: Oh not much, not much at all...

His little alien voice now takes a commanding tone

Alpha: I just want to watch each of you pig sons of bitches show yourselves for that which you actually are…

So let's do this!

Alpha throws the device onto the floor directly infront of the group of wealthy businessmen

Alpha: First one of you to take it can have it...

Before the alien gadget even stops skidding across the floor all of the furniture, mics, podiums, and various other studio equipment is hurled across the set in a frenzy as the group; including the camera crew and studio personnel are now charging and throwing themselves towards the small object punching, grunting, clawing, kicking and screaming across the set desperately trying to reach it first or pry it from the unconscious hands of the others.

As Alpha slowly struts off of the set with a look of grim satisfaction on his face a cast member can be seen tackling another that had been holding the device in the air as the set camera is knocked down and the television show cuts to an intermission…

Kinder Cosmic: Part 2 - Paradise Lost Where stories live. Discover now