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The ancients met at the Vanilla Kingdom once again to celebrate the return of White Lily, but once they arrived Pure Vanilla noticed that Dark Cacao wasn't behaving like himself. He would usually talk about how his kingdom is nearly finished repairing from the fight with Dark Choco.... But this time he was quiet. Dark Cacao is known to be a cookie with few words but Pure Vanilla has never seen him this silent before. So he decided to ask him after lunch...

"Hey Cao, are you alright? You seem to be a bit bothered" Pure Vanilla asked

Dark Cacao stood silently for a few seconds before answering the shorter males question.

"I'm fine, I just miss somebody... thank you for your concern Pure Vanilla"

Once Dark Cacao finished Pure Vanilla was a little shocked , he had never in his life heard the words 'I miss somebody' from Dark Cacao. Certainly the cookie he missed must be some cookie very special to the king, then a idea came up. It was going to be Dark Cacao's birthday in a few months, Pure Vanilla doesn't know what to give him since he and Dark Cacao never really talked in the past but finally Pure Vanilla knew just what to give him! After the celebration ended the ancients we're getting prepared to go back to their kingdoms (apart from White Lily, she lives in the Vanilla Kingdom now) but Vanilla informed Golden cheese and Hollyberry to stay for a awhile.

"Ok, so I just found out what we could give to Dark Cacao for his upcoming birthday" Pure vanilla stated

"Really?! Because we really need to give him a new gift, we barely know anything about his life and all we gave were books about war for the past few years!" Exclaimed Golden Cheese

" Cheese stop over exaggerating and let Vanilla talk, please continue Pure Vanilla" Hollyberry stated

Once Pure Vanilla finished talking about the conversation he had with Dark Cacao everyone was ready, but the was just one think which wasn't. Nobody knew who Dark Cacao missed so then White Lily suggested going to GingerBraves kingdom to try and see if they knew, so off they went. It wasn't long until they got there, they had to stop to kill the remaining evil cakehounds but that was all.

"Oh!....Welcome Ancients, what brings you guys here?" Gingerbrave greeted

"We came here to find some information about Dark Cacao cookie, apparently he his missing some cookie very close to him" Pure Vanilla replied

"Well......we don't really have much information about him but we do know that he and Dark Choco cookie had a fight when dark enchantress cookie was still here" Gingerbrave informed while trying not to sound offensive in the Dark Enchantress part.

"Maybe Dark Cacao misses Dark Choco but first WHO EVEN IS DARK CHOCO?!" Golden Cheese asked while yelling a bit on the last few words

"Ah... I remember Dark Cacao once telling me about Dark Choco, I'm pretty sure he said something about them being Holly berry stated though stuttering the word family

The ancients now knew who he missed but first they had to know what happened about them, where Dark Choco is and clarify if it is indeed Dark Choco. They asked who else will have information before thanking Gingerbrave for the help, Gingerbrave said that in the Cacao Kingdom there's a watcher called Caramel Arrow cookie who knew all the answers and then waved good bye.

Once they left they 4 set out on a carriage to the Dark Cacao Kingdom, when night fell the 4 stopped and decided to camp at an area for the night. While they were setting up White Lily and Hollyberry went out for some wood, on the way back to camp Hollyberry tripped and stumbled over a mysterious cookie. The cookie immediately ran away in the foliage after standing back up, the only thing that Hollyberry saw was black hair with 2 streaks of white. Eventually Hollyberry shook it off made it back to the camp.

Hi guys this is my first book to ever write, so please bare with me on the mistakes that I have. I will be posting at least once every week so stay tuned! Ty for reading all the way up to this point!

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