Meeting the First Watcher

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Once the 4 finished gathering supplies and putting out the fire they were out again, this time it was only 1 more hour until they reach the Dark Cacao kingdom so the ride was smooth. Immediately when they got outside the citadel walls an arrow landed right beside Golden Cheese, missing her wing but less than a centimetre.

"Who goes there?!" A voiced shouted

"We mean no harm, we just want to meet a cookie!" Pure Vanilla answered back

Suddenly a cookie jumped out of the shadows, she wore a half black and white robe and had black hair with stripes of caramel in it. The strange archer had black eyes and wielded a bow with an arrow. The cookie pointed the arrow at Hollyberry in case of them doing suspicious things but overall the cookie seemed nice. Immediately the female recognized the cookie with 2 pink buns that carried a shield, she remembered her coming to the Dark Cacao kingdom once or twice to have a meeting with the king, she also remembered the one with majestic golden wings as well as a cookie that had a very sweet aroma of ice cream and wore a cone on top of his head. Though the last one, a cookie with white braids and lilies in her hair the archer knew no information about her.

"My apologies for shooting, ever since the incident the king has ordered to up the defenses higher in case if that traitorous snake comes back... my name is caramel arrow cookie pleasure to meet you" caramel apologizes with a half bow

"Ah well hello Caramel Arrow cookie, it's nice to meet you too" White Lily responded

"If it's not to rude who is this? And who is the cookie you want to talk too?" asked Caramel Arrow cookie while making eye contact with White Lily

"Oh....this is White Lily cookie one of Dark Cacao cookies friends, and the cookie we want to talk to is you Caramel Arrow cookie" Hollyberry cookie replies

"Well I do have some free time, but first let's go inside the citadel" Caramel Arrow suggested

"Ok, but please don't tell Dark Cacao cookie it's a surprise we are making!" Golden Cheese added

Once they got inside the ancients started asking questions some about what he enjoys but most are other things like what has happened.

"Ok final question, Who's dark choco cookie?"

That question, made Caramel Arrow nervous.... She knew these people were friends with the king but she doesn't know if she could fully trust them in that information. "I might regret this but maybe I should ask them why they are asking these questions" Caramel thought

"I will answer that but first..... why are you asking personal information about the king?" Caramel asked

"Well.... When Dark Cacao cookie went to the meeting yesterday he was acting a bit sad, so I asked him why and he said it was because he missed some one so we tried to find who he missed and figure out a way for them to reunite!" Pure Vanilla responded

Caramel arrow sighs "The King has been abit colder these days sometimes I hear crying from the room but he has never let anyone in his room so no one knows why"

"Yea yea we know he's emo, soooo who is dark choco cookie?" Golden Cheese interrupted

Caramel arrow took a deep breath before answering " Dark Choco cookie is the kings son.... He betrayed our kingdom and stabbed the king, a few months later he came back but this time he was a cookie of darkness"

Caramel stopped she didn't want to tell them the full story in case if something bad happens. The ancients asked if anything else happened but she simply said no. After she waved goodbye the ancients went back to their separate kingdoms and agreed to meet tomorrow to find out the full story.

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