Dark Cacaos other side

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Dark Cacaos appearance didn't change but his aura felt different it felt calmer, happier and warmer. His strong aroma of Cacao, cocoa beans and chocolate filled the air as it overpowered the others scent. Even Pure Vanillas and Golden Cheese, She legit smells like cheese!.

The ancients have never seen this side of Dark Cacao before.

"What's the matter?" Dark Cacao asked

"Your aura is different ....." White Lily said

"Ive only shown this part of me to one other person..." he muttered but enough to make the others hear it clearly

The ancients were shocked, how would someone make Dark Cacao happier?

"I've only smiled, hugged and slept with 1 person so don't take this seriously...." Dark Cacao claimed

"What do you mean 'don't take this seriously YOU LEGIT NEVER SLEEP WITH SOME ONE LET ALONE SMILE OF HUG THEM!" Golden Cheese exclaimed

"Tell me who is the lucky cookie!" Hollyberry demanded

"Just stop with the questions okay? Dark Cacao half yelled

They all knew he was trying to avoid that topic but just went with it anyway. They all went inside their sleeping bags and slept until one of the cookies was abit clingy, surprisingly Dark Cacao has hugged Pure Vanilla tight while sleeping. He was muttering words like 'don't go' 'I'm sorry' and even 'I miss you'

"Who knew he could be a big softie"  Golden Cheese whispered

"Shush.... He is sleeping, if you know him well he rarely sleeps, especially when some one else is with him...." Hollyberry hushed

"Please.... Don't go... I'm sorry! Dark Choco...." Dark Cacao mumbled

"What happened between them...." White Lily mumbled

'Did I make them separate when I was still Dark Enchantress?!' White Lily thought to her self

"It's not because of you ok?" Pure Vanilla reassured her as if he read her mind

"H..how?!" White Lily murmured

"That is what you thought when Hollyberry didn't know where he missing granddaughter was" Pure Vanilla said and smiled

"Well at least now we know we are looking for Dark Choco" Golden Cheese spoke

"Let's look of him tomorrow for now how about we rest" Pure Vanilla stated

Let's gooooo, 2 chapters in a day! Sry if this is short tho I didn't have much time. Have a good morning/evening/night! Thank you all for reading this far! If there is any mistake please inform me!  Adios~


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