Just a normal lunch

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As the 5 cookies ventured further they finally saw the restaurant. Golden Cheese sprinted to it, but Dark Cacao didn't quite enjoy it. He hasn't gone out this much for so long, even before when the dark flour war happened. Let alone has he stepped in a restaurant. Golden Cheese ran into the restaurant and almost immediately the whole restaurant stared at her. Many gasps were heard. Some were that a royal has just stepped in .others were that the cookies haven't seen a cookie with wings before. As the others slowly entered behind Golden Cheese more and more gasps piled up the room. Until finally when Dark Cacao stepped in a roar of happy gasps covered the room. A waitress came in and allocated a table for them, but the others knew the waitress was very nervous as she was stuttering. Once the ancients got to their table Golden Cheese started glaring at the menu with the others. Dark Cacao was getting abit nervous as all the cookies stared at them. He could even hear sounds of cameras.

Dark Cacao is society awkward, but something caught his attention.

"Mum..... I thought Dad said that the king abandoned us....." a little cookie whispered

"That was when the war was still happening....now his getting better.........I hope" the mum muttered back

Those words slapped Dark Cacao in the face. How come he never knew what the villages thought about him.

"Dark Cacao are you going to order anything?" Pure vanilla asked gesturing the menu

Dark Cacao scanned through it. Most of the dishes had a sugar cube in the side of it meaning it will be sweet, until he came across a dish called Oreo dumplings.
That was the food Dark Choco loved eating, everytime he would ask his father to make those.

"Some Oreo dumplings will suffice" he replied

The waiter came by and Hollyberry ordered the meal.

"I'll get one Oreo dumpling, chocolate balls and strawberry dips please!" Hollyberry cheered

"Would you like any drinks?" The waiter questioned

"Do you serve berry juice?" Hollyberry asked

"We are very sorry but berry juice is banned in the kingdom"

"Oh.....then that's all!" She replied

After the waitress left, Hollyberry gave a glance at Dark Cacao.

"I thought you knew" Dark Cacao spoke

The food came in a few minutes and everyone ate the chocolate balls were sweet and there was caramel filling, the strawberry dips was actually strawberries coated in a layer of chocolate. The Oreo dumplings were Oreos in dumpling form but in the inside was dark chocolate.

"These chocolate balls are really good! Dark cacao come try" Hollyberry boasted

"Yes, Come do try dear friend" Pure Vanilla gestured as White lily took another

"Very well..."

He took a bite, it was abit sweet but overall it tasted ok,

"It's not bad, but I'll will stick with the Choco balls"

After they finished the waitress took the empty plates

"I'm paying" White lily quickly spoke

"You payed every time we go to a restaurant" Pure Vanilla objected

"I'm paying" Golden Cheese said

"No I will" Hollyberry argued

As the 4 bickered Dark Cacao when over to the counter and payed

"That will be $34 your majesty" the accountant read

He quickly left while dragging the others, hoping to not make a scene.

While being dragged Pure Vanilla spotted red eyes staring at their direction, Dark Cacao seemed to notice to as he went to look. There the cookie slowly walked away not even caring. And met up with 3 others.

The ancient's eyes all widened

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