The Cacaoian festival

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Today was the day the Dark Cacao kingdom was founded, it was a holiday for everyone. Even the king himself will go out into the open, but today was even more happier. The whole kingdom is cheering as not only did the king come out but all the other rulers of the kingdom came too!

"Guys today is a very special day for Dark Cacao so let's celebrate and tomorrow let's continue on finding him" Pure Vanilla suggested

All of them agreed and went out to find the king, however Golden Cheese being the one that has only visited twice got lost in the gigantic citadel but she remembered telling White Lily that she was going to visit the bamboo forest so Golden Cheese flew off. The 3 others met up with Dark Cacao who was watching over the sea.

"Come one Dark Cacao let's celebrate, I'm sure the watchers will take care of the sea!" Hollyberry cheered

"The watchers are on break, only Caramel Arrow and Crunchy Chip will be on patrol.......also where is Golden Cheese cookie?" Dark cacao asked

The three ancients turned over to see a missing Golden Cheese.

"She must of went outside...why can't she just stick with the group?!" Hollyberry complained

"Golden Cheese told me she is going to explore the bamboo forest beyond the licorice sea" White Lily answered

"Then we better find her" Dark Cacao spoke as he began to walk out

Dark cacao informed Caramel Arrow of his departure and left

"He puts a lot of trust in Caramel Arrow, wonder why" White Lily questioned herself

The villages were thriving, many with lanterns hanging down others had warm fires. Everywhere they went they would hear 'ooohs' and 'ahhs'? Hollyberry was abit scared while Dark Cacao just walked past.

"Why are they acting like this?" Hollyberry muttered

"Dark Cacao rarely comes out let alone comes out with all of us" Pure Vanilla whispered

"You guys go search that Eastern part, there is a path that goes through the forest. Hollyberry, you and I will search the Western part" Dark Cacao interrupted

Out of no where he disappeared into the thick foliage,

"He could've said left and right but whatever" Hollyberry shivered

Dark Cacao and Hollyberry explored deep into the forest but had no luck on finding their winged friend, however while the other two were searching  Pure Vanilla spotted a glowing red eye. As soon as the cookie saw Pure Vanilla facing them, they immediately took off. White Lily held her best friend back as she saw he was about to take off as well.

"Don't chase him, who knows what will happen to your not the best when it comes to chasing after people, that's more of a Dark Cacao thing" White Lily stated

"Can we atleast follow him?"  Pure Vanilla asks while opening his eyes

"N- fine..."

The two retraced where that cookie went, they slowly went up to a clearing. There was two cookies one had a hood on their head and the other one had very familiar golden wings.

"Golden Cheese!" White Lily exclaimed

"Oh hi White Lily.... The cookie is showing me the way out" Golden Cheese gestured

They turned their heads to see the same glowing red eyes.... Well eye.

"Hello my names Pure Vanilla Cookie what's yours" Pure Vanilla asked

"I do not like saying personal information, now if you excuse me I'll be on my way......" the cookie swiftly responded

The cookies voice was deep and low, with was somewhat very calming it sounded a lot like Dark Cacaos. White Lily thought about it before remembering that the voice sounded very familiar. But at the same time unfamiliar for some reason.

"That was a bit rude...anyways let's go to the new milk restaurant, I've been dying for warmth!" Golden Cheese yelled

Pure Vanilla, White Lily and Golden Cheese made it back safely and met up with the other two.

"Let's discuss the event when we are in the restaurant" White Lily recommended

The other two nodded their heads and went to catch up with Dark Cacao. Where they will have a hopefully nice lunch.

Hi so sorry that I haven't been posting it's that I'm very busy as holidays have ended so I'll be posting back to my normal schedule which is 1 chapter per 1 or 1 and a half weeks Tysm for reading


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