Meeting about boba....

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A/N I'm so sorry I couldn't post I was busy doing things I'll try to post once a week hope u guys don't mind TY FOR TH READS and... I have finished a very important test so now I can hopefully post faster :)


Caramel  arrow entered the throne room.

"You wanted to see me your majesty?" She said as she bowed

"Indeed..... I am here about your..secret boba stash" Dark Cacao answered

Caramel Arrow suddenly began sweating, she didn't even sweat when she was exiled from the kingdom. But she couldn't risk losing her boba!

" you want to know about it?" Caramel arrow asked

"Tell me..... how many bobas do you drink daily?" Dark Cacao asked

'Calm down Caramel Arrow you knew this day would come.... Act coooooool' She thought
Then she sighed .
"I drink about...."

Right as she was going to finish Crunchy Chip cookie barged it


'Great...... I'll get revenge Crunchy Chip cookie....' Caramel Arrow mumbled to her self

Dark Cacao stayed silent for a few seconds, his blank expression made Caramel Arrow panic abit. But in the kings mind it was just pure shock, he knew Caramel Arrow had a love for boba but he never thought it was this bad. Suddenly, he was snapped out of his thoughts when Crunchy Chip and Caramel Arrow were fighting.

Caramel Arrow was throwing arrows at Crunchy Chip , Dark Cacao then coughed to get their attention. The two stayed silent, Dark Cacao then settled on a decision.

"Caramel Arrow you are only allowed to drink 4 bobas a day from now on"

"And Crunchy Chip it is alright for Caramel Arrow to consume sweets... remember what I told you in the Cremè republic?"

Caramel Arrow accepted but was very angry and went off. Though the cacaoian king could literally here Crunchy Chip screaming and the sound of being beat up. The last thing he has heard was " I WILL TELL THE KING ABOUT WHAT YOU DID AT THE CRÈME REPUBLIC, YOU DIDNT ONLY EAT SWEETS YOU NEARLY LOST THE KINGS SOUL J-"

"Fine! Fine! I won't do it again just stop hitting me....."

Dark Cacao didn't mind, from when he took them in as children they had always competed for the loyalty of him and the kingdom. He could always hear arguing and them blaming each other but when they don't they get along very well. Honestly he didn't mind, it felt good that his warriors are having fun while on duty. They two were like his children. 'Like his children.....' .

The rest of the ancient come in shortly after with a shocked expression.

"I assume you guys heard everything?" Dark Cacao asked

No one spoke but just a nod from Pure Vanilla had told Dark Cacao everything. He then sighed

"Don't worry they always fight...."

"Ok... so we were just asking maybe we can go out in the snow?" Golden Cheese started

"You know like the old days?" White lily added

"Hm... very well" Dark Cacao responded

Immediately when they got out, the cold temperature nearly killed the 4, Dark Cacao on the other hand was confused as he stated that it's on of the warmest days.

"What do you mean?! I'm right here dying! And your just wearing a simple coat, how?!" Golden Cheese complained

"Well it better than living where you live Cheese, that heat would burn any cookies dough" Dark Cacao answered

"You guys should stop complaining, we're lucky to even have a kingdom.... White Lily doesn't even have one" Pure Vanilla lectured

Hollyberry pulled out a bottle of berry juice and start drinking it but in the middle the juice froze!

"HAHAHAHAHAHA Your juice froze!" Golden Cheese wheezed

"Serves her right for making me drink that weird juice" Dark Cacao yelled

"Oh come on old friend, always so cold and vigilant warm up a little will ya?" Hollyberry stated as she smacked Dark Cacao's back.

Dark Cacao then tumbled over and coughed. As Hollyberry and Pure Vanilla went to help the fallen Dark Cacao White Lily spotted a cookie in the distance.

"Did you also see that?! That was a cookie right?" Golden Cheese asked

"Yes I did.... Who do you think is that cookie.... It seems like their watching us..."

Ty for read, again I sincerely apologize for my absence hope you guys understand!

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