We meet again.

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So, I did not vErIfY meaning I can't respond to ur comments, thank u all for the support tho. I am reading ur comments so feel free to speak! I also need ideas tnt. Also I will be away for the next 2-3 weeks so I will post next near the end of November. Ty!

There stood 4 cookies

The first cookie had red eyes, two puffy red buns with bright green earrings contrasting on each side.Pomegranate gems were embedded into a pink and hot red robe. The other cookie wore ragged black clothing with a hood over the top, bright sunny yellow eyes and a bone necklace. They held a bony scythe too. The smallest cookie, not even half their height wore a small purple mushroom cap with spots painted all over, They have puffy light purple hair and had a funny derpy smile.

"Well if it isn't the 5 mighty hero's...." Pomegranate glared

"Woah......new.....friends?" Poison Mushroom giggled

"Argh.....when you least expect it" Licorice snarled

"How dare you roam my lands!" Dark Cacao snared

"You?! Aren't you that princess in the torment?!" Hollyberry exclaimed

"No! I-I am not! I-it was Schwarzwälder" Licorice murmured

"What....a...s....shromieeeeeee.....?" Poison Mushroom asked waving one his beloved shroomies

"I go where I wish your majesties" Pomegranate scoffed

"What you guys doing here?!" A cookie exclaimed

The cookie emerged from the bush and immediately turned to the giant cake arm he his. It was non other then Red Velvet cookie.

"You said to find chiffon so we are looking for them" Licorice replied

"Chiffon....likes shroomies...?" Poison mushroom cheered

"Now if you will excuse us, we will only humbly find Red Velvets pet then be on our way" Pomegranate gestured

"On your way to jail! " Golden Cheese called out

"Shroomie do your mushroom dance or whatever.......quickly!" Licorice muttered to Poison Mushroom

"Y-yayyyyyy.......s.....s...shroomie partyyyyy...."

Suddenly a mist of purple gas emitted out of his shroomies and POOF! The cookies were No where to be seen.

"Hey Dark Cacao cookie? I was wondering if you know any cookies that have red eyes?" Pure Vanilla asked

".....N-no I don't" Dark Cacao stuttered

"He definitely does" Golden Cheese whispered to Hollyberry

"We met a cookie that had one red eye that seemed to know the terrain fairly well" White Lily stated

"Then we better discuss this back on the citadel" Dark Cacao responded

They head on to the citadel and sat on a table, the chefs were cooking this time and while they cook the ancients had something to discuss. Something that might change their lives. As they made small talk the food began to be served and as everyone began eating they continued the question Pure Vanilla asked. Dark Cacao though hadn't said one word...

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