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Hi everyone!!!! So i've been looking over this story again and always keep thinking about it just because I feel like i really did end it too early. If you guys are interested, I can either take out the epilogue or just continue after the epilogue.
I never ever thought that continuing this story would bring people to actually come read this version because I LOVED the original so much. When I got ahold of this I started to get super nervous and kinda felt like a failed in the end.
But I've definitely improved in the last year of writing and would love to continue to write for this story but I really wanna know what you guys think/feel. Because in the end this story is now kinda ran by the fans (in a way) and I'd love to know what you want to see for this story!!
Thank you all for reading this! Thank you to -moneybaby-  for letting me continue this!
If you have any questions/anything to comment your say, please do! I want to hear from you guys!!

Rose H.SWhere stories live. Discover now