Chapter Thirteen

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Rose and Harry went to a Starbucks after the party because they wanted to enjoy each other's presence for a little bit longer. They both had hot chocolate, Harry didn't like coffee, Rose only drank coffee in the mornings. It was nearly eight at night.

"What's your favorite song?" Rose asked Harry to make him look up from his cup. A smile twitched his lips as he stared at her, thinking.

"Um, I-Harry likes Heaven on Earth by-" Harry started.

"The Platters!" Rose interrupted him, looking at him with wide excited eyes.

Harry grinned showing his dimples, "Yeah!" he exclaimed.

"Oh I love The Platters." Rose said and Harry nodded in agreement

"Harry a-also likes Be My B-Baby." Harry stuttered. He took a sip from his hot chocolate.

Rose's eyes widened before she nearly shouted, "By The Ronettes!" Rose said. Harry laughed and nodded again. "Holy shit, we love the same songs."

"We're m-meant to be." Harry stuttered. "Who is-is Rose's favorite b-band." he asked, and her eyebrows frowned in thought.

"Gosh. I love so many bands." Rose said. When people ask me these questions I always get flustered because I can never pick just one artist.

"Top f-five bands th-then." Harry said. He took a hold of Rose's hand that was resting on the table, softly rubbing her knuckles making her bite back a smile.

"Okay, well I'm actually a bit of a metal head so, Misfits, Nirvana, The Ramones, Fleetwood Mac- although that's not rock-" Rose paused laughing before continuing, "And The Platters, but I have a lot more bands that I love." she concluded. Harry nodded, still holding her hand.

"Harry o-only knows Th-The Platters and Fleetwood M-Mac. The rest n-n-no." Harry said, he shook his head timidly. Rose nodded her head slowly before sighing loudly.

"Well it's been nice knowin' ya, but we can't be friends." Rose said, and leaned back in her chair as if extremely hurt, but only kidding of course. Harry stared at Rose with nervous eyes before trying to smile.

"you're jo-joking r-right? Pl-please say y-you're j-j-joking." Harry said with a shaky voice, stuttering more than usual and gripping Rose's hand tighter, making her panic before nodding her head.

"Yes! I'm joking, I'm just kidding." Rose laughed nervously. "You're gonna have to get used to my sarcasm and dark humor Harry." she added. He tried to laugh too but it just sounded like a cough. "We're gonna be friends for a long time, Curly. Don't worry." Rose assured him, squeezing his hand back.

"R-Rose has to sh-show me those b-bands soon, okay?" Harry said quite seriously, taking another sip of his chocolate, Rose did the same.

"Already planned on it." Rose said.

Soon after that conversation, they were in my car while she was looking through her phone for the right songs. He sat patiently next to Rose looking out the window into the night. She found one of my favorite songs, ready to play it. Rose turned to Harry, grinning, "Okay, this song is called Saturday Night by the Misfits. Now, it's a little dark because this band is kind of evil and horror inspired but I think you'll enjoy it." He nodded sitting up straighter as she pressed play. Guitar filled the space of my car.

Harry sat with lips slightly pouted whispering, "You're n-not gonna k-k-kill me ri-right?"

"Damn. You caught me." Rose said with a monotone voice. Harry laughed and shook his head.

"D-dark humor." Harry said, seemed to be proud to remember what she'd told him.

"I love this song because, like, if you're not listening to the lyrics it's played so romantically, but the lyrics are so dark and evil! You don't hear this type of music these days!" Rose gushed, "And as you get further into the song the lyrics are a bit more vulnerable and sweet, I don't know. I just love it." Rose laid her head back, closing her eyes, hearing Harry him in agreement.

"H-Harry actually li-liked it! Harry has, has never rea-really heard rock before but I-I like it." Harry played with the curled hair on my shoulder.

"Well, actually this wasn't really rock. I mean yeah it is, but it's more of soft rock." Rose explained. "Here. This is rock." she played the song Horror Hotel by, again, Misfits. They heard the short song, Rose slightly moving her head to the beat, Harry mimicking her and doing the same cute thing. But he did it a lot cuter. When the song ended he nodded again saying he liked it.

Rose looked at the time, sighing. "I think it's time I get you home. It's getting late." I really didn't want to let him go but I promised Anne to bring him home before it's late. Besides, she's probably super worried. Harry frowned sadly but agreed nonetheless. Rose could see his eye droop with sleepiness and yawns occasionally leave his mouth.

"Ha-Harry wants to-to go to R-Rose's house one d-day." Harry whispered.

"The next time I have a day off you can come to my house and we'll watch movies with a shit ton of food." Rose promised. I have work tomorrow from the morning until the late afternoon, no time at all to see my clumsy boy. He nodded tiredly, smiling happily. We arrived at his house, both of us walking to the front door. He unlocked it and turned to her.

"I'm gonna go now babe, I'll call when we can hang out." Rose said, and held his hand in both of mine.

He whispered an "Okay". He leaned down and captured Rose's lips in his in a more firm kiss than usual. Feisty.

Harry's soft lips are the most addictive thing to Rose but one step at a time. His hand came to the back of my head to pull her closer, making Rose laugh against his lips. He smiled too. Rose pulled back reluctantly, her hands on his chest and his slid down to her hips, lightly gripping my waist. Rose pecked his lips again, "Bye, Babe."

Walking back to her car he shouted "Bye-Bye Rose!" Followed by a weak giggle. Rose waved back and drove home once he was safely in his home.

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