Chapter One

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"Rose, Anne and her son Harry are coming over! Do you remember Harry?" Rose's mother yelled from downstairs as Rose was leaving the bathroom.

"Yeah I remember him, although I haven't seen him in ages." Rose replied, since her mother and Anne are best friends. Rose sees Anne quite a lot and her mother visits her at least once a week .

"Isn't he like, autistic?" Rose asked with curiosity, Anne usually told them that Harry would stay at home.

"Yes dear so please make him feel welcome. He doesn't really like going out." Mother replied to Rose, as Rose stood across the kitchen from her mother.

"When will they be here?" Rose asked, not even a moment later, she heard a car door slam.

"Now I guess." Mother said smiling.

There was a knock on the door ,"Can you get that sweetie? Lead them to the backyard, we're having dinner there." Mother asked, Rose opened the door to be greeted by Anne and her son, Harry.

"Hi Anne, " Rose greeted, a warm smile on her face, before hugging the woman.

"Hello dear!" Anne said while hugging Rose back. Next to her was her tall son that was nearly pressed against her with one hand fisting his mother's jacket , the other hand he had the tip of his thumb in his mouth. He had curly brown hair going to the tops of his shoulders. Rose looked at him before thinking; He was fine. Harry had light green eyes that reminded Rose of jade colored stones her teacher showed her in 8th grade.

"Hello harry," Rose smiled warmly, greeting the shy boy. Harry looked up quickly and when his eyes met hers before they immediately focused back on the ground, he took his thumb out of mouth and waved 'hello' before putting it back in his mouth."My mom thought we could have dinner in the backyard so let's head over there."

When Anne saw Rose's mom she went to greet her but Harry pulled on her arm and rapidly shook his head,"D-don't leave me a-alone momma." Harry said, quitely. Rose's heart hurt from the sweetness coming from Harry.

"You are not alone sweetheart. Rose is right here," Anne said, gesturing to Rose, and Rose gave a light smile when Harry's eyes looked to her briefly.

Anne walked to mom and Harry quickly walked towards Rose in a clumsy manner. He tapped her shoulder frantically and asked in amazement,"You're-you're name i-is Ro-rose?"

"It is." Rose replied, smiling lightly at him.

"Ha-Harry lovess roses." Harry cooed, quietly.

"Well we have roses in the corner over there," Rose pointed to the rose bush in the corner of the backyard,his eyes widened like donuts, "would you like to see them?"

Harry grabbed Rose's hand and tried to run towards the roses but fell on his hands and knees when he took like two steps. Rose gasped, afraid he would start crying but before she could ask, Harry said, "Har-harry is-is fine y-yes? We-we must see the ro-roses!

When they finally got the rose bushes he fell on his knees in front of them and just stared in awe and amazement."S-so pr-pretty." Harry cooed with eyes wide in adoration. He went to touch one but the thorns pricked him."Ouch," Harry squealed, but then started laughing as if he wasn't bleeding from his finger.

"Are you okay Harry?" Rose asked.

"H-Harry is fi-fine th-thank you" Harry mumbled out. He went to grab the rose again but like before, it pricked him but he giggled and went to grab it once again but Rose had stopped him before he could cause anymore damage.

"Okay Harry that's enough of trying to grab them, you're already bleeding." Rose said, her voice a bit panicked.

"B-but harry wants a-a ro-rose. " Harry said, sadly. Rose instantly felt bad but she didn't want to deal with a bunch of blood before she ate.

"When we finish dinner I will cut you a rose alright?" Rose said, kindly.

"Ha-Harry would l-like a rose now-now please." Harry demanded, a bit of anger in his voice.

What the hell do I do? I saw that Anne had turned around at the sound of her son yelling.Great. Now she must probably think I'm being a bitch to her son. Rose thought.

"Harry dear, what's wrong?" Anne asked, empathically. Harry got up and walked to his mom slowly as if he just got scolded at.

"Mo-momma, Harry wants a-a red ro-rose." Harry said, nodding his head, in agreement with himself.

"You can have a rose after dinner." Anne said, calmly taking a sip of her wine.

"Momma, ha-Harry is bl-bleeding!" Harry said, when he looked at his finger and saw he had poked it and now there was blood.

"Oh we have band-aids in the bathroom, Rose can you help him please?" Rose's mother spoke up.

"Of course." Rose replied, walked over to him so they could go inside.

Rose was about to put her hand on his back to direct him to the bathroom but he moved away before she could touch him. "Follow me Harry," Rose sighed, she felt like Harry was mad at her after only knowing her for 10 minutes.

While they made their way up the stairs and when Harry saw the hallway light was off he walked closer to Rose, nearly pressing against her back.

He wont let me touch him but gets close to me in these situations? Mmm okay. Whatever floats your boat. Rose thought.

Rose sat him on the toilet and got a small band-aid. When Rose turned around he already had his pointer finger stretched out ready to be secured. Harry's eyes were focused on the towel that was red. He must like the color red. Rose thought to herself.

"All done Harry." Rose said, quietly, after placing the band-aid on his finger.

"Can-can Harry h-have a r-rose now?" Harry asked, looking in Rose's eyes for a split second then went back towards the floor.

Rose sighed, in defeat. "Sure Harry." no use in denying him a rose, he would keep asking anyways.

After Rose said this he smiled widely and whispered a small "yay" before continuing"What are those hm?" Harry asked, pointing to Rose's large chest.

Rose's cheeks heated up a bit,"That's something you're mom should tell you about hun" she responded, this is something I definitely don't want to talk to him, or anyone about that.

The next thing Harry did took Rose completely by surprise. He reached out and poked her right breast. Literally. Rose jumped in surprise, her eyes widening. "dude. Not cool." Rose snapped but he stared in wonder.

"S-so squishy" Harry said, quietly, before reaching out to squish her breast again but she grabbed his hand right before he could touch.

"Harry you aren't supposed to do that to a lady. Ever." Rose scolded lightly. Harry nodded his head while tears filled his eyes. Rowse looked at him warily, mentally asking him not to cry.

"R-Rose yelled a-at me." Harry whimpered, delicate tears like crystals falling from his eyes.

"No don't cry." Rose panicked "I'll get you your rose okay? Just please don't cry." Rose begged. Harry nodded his head quickly but there were still tear stairs on his cheek. I knew he probably didn't want me touching him so I just led us downstairs and got a pair of scissors along the way. "Anne is it okay if I just cut a rose for Harry right now?" Rose asked, when they finally made their way back outside.

"Oh sure dear. " Anne said, turning back to Rose's mother and carrying on their gossip about the lady next door who apparently got a nose job.

Rose and Harry walked to the rose bush and she clipped off a nice full red rose. Before Rose gave it to him she cut off the thorns. Harry took the rose and gushed in happiness. "Ahhh" Harry cooed.

I barely spent less than an hour with this guy and I already have chest pains.

Rose H.SWhere stories live. Discover now