Chapter Twenty-One

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Harry giggles as Rose and him step into her apartment. Harry was buzzing off the little sugar rush he had after the ice cream they had with Dylan and Angie. Rose was worried that Dylan may treat Harry poorly, but Dylan was kind to Harry, and Harry seemed to enjoy himself.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, love." Rose said, smiling brightly at the curly headed boy. Harry smiled, before looking at her and puckering up his lips.Rose smiled at Harry before leaning up to softly kiss his lips. Harry admitly melted with her touch, and opened his arms for her. Rose stepped into his arms and continues to softly kiss him while stroking the curls on his neck. ---Harry pouted as Rose dropped him back off at his moms. Rose gave his pout a kiss before hugging him goodbye. Rose was admitly busy at work. But Harry was wanting to plan something special for Rose.

Harry told his mom, Anne, the idea. Anne admitly came up with lots of idea, but Harry wanted a mango themed picnic. Anne and Harry went out to the backyard and set up a orange blanket, and light wooden basket, with mangos and pudding. When Rose was done with her work, she headed to go see Harry, not knowing if they were gonna spend the night together, but to spend time with him tonight before she went home. Rose walked into the front door, and their were rose petals on the ground, leading to the backdoor. Rose smiled to herself, blushing a bit. She followed the flowers to the backyard to see Harry in a tux.

Rose covered her mouth, some tears coming up. She felt so many emotions looking at him. One of the biggest emotions was love. She thought about him wearing a suit on their wedding day, Rose's cheeks flush red as she walks over to Harry. "I'm not dressed for this." Rose laughed, covering her mouth.

"R-rose i-is s-so b-beautiful, j-just how s-she is." Harry stuttered out, Rose smiled widely before hugging him tightly. Harry held her close, Rose swaying them back and forth. Rose moved away slightly and lightly kissed Harry's lips. Harry melting into her touch as usual, and pulling her head closer to his as their lips moved together.

"Thank you so much." Rose cried, caressing his cheek, some tears coming down.

"W-why R-rose c-cry? S-she no like?" Harry asked, Rose's eyes widened and she shook her head furiously.

"This is so amazing Harry. This is so. You are so amazing." Rose confessed, holding his hand. Harry smiled widely and nodded before kissing her softly, Rose kissed back, caressing his cheek. Rose moved back, knowing Harry wouldn't. Harry put his hand out, and moved to show the picnic he had set up.

"M-mango d-date." Harry smiled, Rose smiled widely at him. She felt so much fullness in her heart.
Rose and Harry sit down on the blanket, and enjoy their mangoes and pudding, while talking about everything they would think of. They weren't only a couple but best friends.

Harry's hand shake as he remembers what he was going to tell Rose. Rose begin noticing how extra nervous Harry was, then leaned in to him and cupped his cheek."Hey what's wrong?" Rose whispered, Harry looked down into her eyes, something he didn't do often. He was too shy, and normally wouldn't. But he was, he was staring deeply into her eyes as he said the words.

"H-h-harry l-lo-ves R-rose. S-so m-much." Harry stutters, and Rose's heart swells, as a million butterflies fill her tummy. Rose smiled widely before leaning in to kiss his lips. Harry kissed back, shyly. Rose deeply kissed him with everything she felt in her heart before pulling away.

"I love you too." Rose said, looking into his eyes with a smile on her face.


I know it was a short chapter, i'm trying hard to give you full updates. More are coming shortly. But for now MERRY CHRISTMAS, or shall I say Happy Holidays!!!

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