Chapter Two

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It had been 2 days since Anne and Harry had dinner with Rose and her mother. Rose has been working and coming home to watch 'The Office' on netflix. When they left after dinner, Rose looked up some characteristics of autism. She noted a few things, resistance to being held or touched, tends to get too close when speaking to someone, or lack of personal space. Makes honest, and sometimes inappropriate observations. Which explained the comments about her chest. She couldn't stop thinking about Harry. He was different. He would be interesting or fascinating but that's too cliche to Rose. But she just found the simple things he would do, flawless. She thought the way he adored roses was adorable. She loved how such a simple thing, a red flower, could bring so much joy to him.

Rose wanted to see Harry again, but knowing Harry, she thought he wouldn't want that. But the ringing of her phone is what finally brought her out of her thoughts. She looked at the name on screen and it said Anne with a little candy emoji because y'know she's sweet like candy. I really do need a life. she thought.

Rose answered with, "Hi Anne!"

"Hello dear! Are you busy by any chance?" Anne asked.

"No today's my day off, why?" Rose replied.

"Great! Me and Harry would love if you can come over, Harry has been talking non-stop about you" Anne laughed, "He keeps saying he wants to show you his dinosaur collection." she finished, and Rose's heart fluttered with excitement.

"Sure i'd love to visit you guys!" Rose exclaimed. God has answered my prayers

"Alright well you know where we live sweetie" Anne said, sweetly.

Rose told her she'd be there in about 20 minutes and they said their goodbyes. She quickly put on some leggings and since it's a bit chilly out so she wore a gray hoodie that has a Manhattan College logo, then paired the outfit with some old Nikes. That's when she made her way to The Styles residence. Rose parked her car in front of the Styles small light blue house that had a really nice garden in the front lawn surrounded by a cute little white picket fence. Rose knocked on the door and was immediately answered by Harry.

"Hi Harry." Rose smiled but Harry just stared at me for a couple of seconds before shyly waving his hand while staring at the floor. "May I come in?" Rose laughed because he only stood there with his head bowed down. He looked up and rapidly nodded his head then stepped aside so she could enter. Anne was in the kitchen cooking something when Rose saw her so she walked over to give her a hug "Hey Anne, how are you?"

"Hi hun! I'm great and you?" Anne greeted.

"Fine thank you" Rose told her calmly. Harry started groaning when Rose and Anne started making conversation, she glanced at him, "Harry what's wrong?"

"T-taking to l-long no?" Harry said, shyly.

"Alright then." Rose laughed, "Let's do what you wanna do." she smiled.

Rose walked over to Harry when he nodded his head. He walked to the hallway and Rose followed him. Harry opened a door that had a sign that said 'Keep out.Unless you are my friend' Rose smiled because she could imagine that he liked his privacy. Rose fully stepped in the room and saw dinosaurs everywhere. Rose wasn't surprised to see some roses also. Some dead, some newer, some plastic. He had a poster in the corner of his room that was just a background of a ton of roses.

"Sit s-sit." Harry rushed Rose to the bed. He kneeled and pulled a big box from under the bed. Harry took off the lid and Rose saw hundreds of little toy dinosaurs. Harry picked out one that was green and had a really long neck. "This one i-is a sauropod. He's m-my fav-favorite!" he gushed smiling widely b-because th-they only eat p-plants!"

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