Chapter Fifteen

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When they broke from the kiss, Rose with was breathless. She looked up into Harry's eyes and he smiled, sweety, down at her. All Rose wanted to do was feel his soft lips against hers again, so that's what she did. She leaned up and captured his lips in hers and all he could do was kiss her back. Rose didn't want to break the kiss, but she knew neither of them would stop, so she had to now.

"R-Rose has soo s-soft lips." Harry whispered, looking down at her.

"You do too." Rose replied. "Do you want to go to my house?"

"Y-yes!" Harry said, and Rose nodded.

"Then let's get you ready? We can even have Ice cream!" Rose said, and Harry smiled widely down at her.

"L-Let's go n-now." Harry said, opening the door and dragging Rose to his room, and running over to the clean clothes she had folded earlier, and grabbing some. Rose turned around as Harry got dressed. "Why is Rose turned away from Harry?" Harry asked, and Rose turned around back towards him, he was really close to her.

"I. I didn't want to see you n-naked." Rose said. "That's only for couples." she mumbles.

"Why a-are Rose and H-Harry not a c-couple." Harry asked, and Rose blushed.

"Do you want to be a couple?" Rose asked, and Harry's eyes lit up with excitement.

"O-Oh my g-gosh y-yesss!" Harry exclaimed, looking down at her, and Rose smiled.

"Then we can be a couple." Rose said, and Harry jumped before running out the door. "Harry!" Rose said, following behind him.

"Honey calm down." Anne said, as Harry hugged her tightly. "What's going on?" she chuckled.

"Rose and H-Harry a couple!" Harry smiled, and Anne smiled back.

"Really?" Anne asked, and Rose nodded her head. "Oh Harry that's great!" she exclaimed.

"H-harry is gonna go s-stay with Rosee O-one n-night." Harry said, and Anne's eyes widened.

"Wait Harry-." Rose tried to intervene, not knowing if Anne would be okay with that. She should've spoken to Anne about this.

"No no Rose. It's alright. I trust Rose. Just be careful alright?" Anne said, putting her hand on Harry's cheek.

"Yes m-momma." Harry nodded.

"Should you go get packed?" Anne asked Harry, and he nodded frantically before rushing back off to his room. Rose turned to Anne, with a expression of worry.

"I'm sorry I didn't speak to you about-." Rose started but Anne simply cut her off.

"Rose, darling. I know you are a sweet girl. I know you like my son a lot. Right?" Anne asked, Rose nodded. "Just watch out for him. I trust you. And if you have sex. Please wear protection."

"Oh my god." Rose blushed. "I don't think we will be doing any of that."

"Oh honey. He's a young man. They all have urges." Anne chuckled, patting Rose's cheek. "He knows about sex, and women and male anatomy. He knows." she said. It popped in Rose's head, but he touched her breast, and asked what kissing was. She wondered if he really didn't know about those things. Or if he was just asking Rose, to see her answer.

"Well okay." Rose said, nodding her head before looking down the hallway to Harry's room.

"Go to him hon." Anne said, and Rose nodded before making her way down the hall to Harry. She knocked on the door, and Harry made a noise, she assumed of excitement, before walking in. Harry was stuffing some clothes into a bag.

"W-will Harry sleep i-in my own b-bed?" Harry asked, looking up at me.

"You could sleep in my bed if you'd like." Rose said, and Harry's face lit up with excitement as he nodded his head. Rose giggled before sitting down on the bed, waiting for Harry to finish up packing. "You know your only staying one night?" Rose commented.

"I-I k-know. H-harry must b-be p-prepared for a-an-nything!" Harry explained, stuffing a notebook in to his bag.

"Alright." Rose chuckled.


Hey everyone, I know this chapter was super short, but since this was the first of my own chapter, I didn't want to rush the writing or anything. But wanted to put out some of my own work. I really hope I put this story to justice.

Love Kensi x

Rose H.SWhere stories live. Discover now