Chapter Seven

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Rose hated the club Dominic took her too, actually she didn't hate the club, more so the people. All the guys were jerks who drank until their liver was black, the girl wearing dresses that barely passed their ass. Dominic loved it so Rose took a cab home while he stayed behind.

It was Saturday morning and Rose planned on going over to Harry's house and apologize since she knows he's mad at her. Because she couldn't visit him. Rose called Anne to make sure they were home and she said she's at the supermarket but Harry is indeed home. It's a bit odd to Rose that he's home alone so when Rose asked her why she said he was feeling gloomy and just wanted to stay in bed.

Once Rose arrived at their house Anne told her to just walk in, so that's what she did. The house was neat and clean except for a few dinosaurs here and there. Rose put her purse down on the couch and headed to Harry's room. When she reached his door, she gently knocked three times and received a small groan. Rose opened the door and found him curled in a ball under the covers. Harry saw Rose and started to smile until he paused and a frown took over his face and he turned around so that his back was facing her.

Rose walked to his bed and sat down, "Harry please, I'm really sorry I couldn't come yesterday." she said, but he still wouldn't look at her "Can you look at me please?" she asked gently, he let out a groan of disagreement and shook his head. Rose sighed dramatically "Alright then. I guess I'll go and never come back since you don't want to be my friend anymore" Rose said, dramatically, she sniffled, and pretended to wipe a tear.

Rose stood up and slowly walked to the door until she heard the bed creak and a quiet "Don't go please." Harry begged and she smiled and turned around to Harry who wouldn't look at Rose. But he was still laying in bed. She sat back down and this time he took her hand and just held it. "Harry m-missed Rose" he mumbled, still not making eye contact.

"And Rose missed Harry too" Rose replied. As Rose said this, Harry grinned bigger than the cheshire cat. He scooted over and patted the side next to him indicating for Rose to lay next to him. She laid down next to his warm and cozy self, wrapping the covers around the both of them before turning over to him. "Do you forgive me?" she asked while combing back his messy bed hair.

Harry nodded and moved closer to me, "Harry likes b-being with Rose." he smiled.

"Me too love, me too." Rose whispered. The next thing he did made my heart nearly fly out of my chest. Since they were face to face he kissed her nose and moved her to lay on her back and he laid his head right on top of Rose's chest while wrapping one arm around her waist.

Rose was frozen for a couple of seconds out of shock. Harry must have thought that she didn't want him hugging me because he muttered a quiet "Hug me back p-please" Rose laughed and wrapped both arms around his shoulders and hugged him close to her making him relax in her arms.

"You have to understand that some days i wont be able to be with you. Not because i want to be away from you because i don't, so don't be mad at me please." Rose said kissing the top of his head.

"But- but Harry wants to be w-with Rose all the time." Harry mumbled sadly while fisting her shirt.

"I know sweetheart, but there's going to be situations where we cant be with each other for the day" Rose tried to reason but he stubbornly shook his head. "Fine we'll talk about this later," she sighed, "How have you been in love?"

"Mm okay, m-missed Rose" Harry said sleepily.

"Go to sleep, it's okay." Rose told him while rubbing his back.

"Um don't, don't go o-okay?" Harry begged with his eyes half closed already, his hand still grabbing Rose's shirt, tightening his hold on her and moving his head closer to the crook of her neck.

"I'm not going anywhere, go to sleep" Rose said, kissing his forehead.

Harry's breathing went slow and steady and his grip on Rose loosened. He spent about 20 minutes napping when she heard the front door open and Anne called Harry's name. Harry slowly blinked his eyes open but didn't bother getting up. Rose guessed he was a light sleeper. When she heard footsteps coming. She tried to remove herself from under Harry so Anne wouldn't get the wrong impression but Harry groaned and pulled Rose back to lay down. Anne opened the door and grinned with a knowing smile while her cheeks heated up.

"H-hey Anne, um it's not what it looks like-" Rose tried to explain, but she was interrupted before she could finish.

"Oh no no it's fine really. Go back to what you were doing, I'll just unpack the groceries." Anne said with a teasing smile.

"Holy shit. That was so embarrassing. She probably thinks we're a thing now." Rose groaned with her hands over her face, laying back down.

"Thing?" Harry said, obviously confused.

"A couple" Rose mumbled back to clarify. When she opened her eyes Harry was sitting up with a cute smile on his face. Rose sat up too with a questioning gaze. "What are you smiling about?" Rose asked, cautiously.

"Harry a-and Rose are a couple." Harry giggled. Rose's eyes widened before rapidly shaking her head while he was nodding his.

"Harry no, we are not a couple." Rose told him slowly. If she didn't tell him now, he'll go on thinking we're a couple.

"Not..not yet." Harry giggled with his head down. Rose shook her head in amusement and stared at him with adoration. Anne once again walked into the room announcing that lunch was ready, but Harry being the stubborn boy that he is, said no and hid under the covers.

"Harry c'mon. It's time to eat lunch." Rose told him, pulling on his arm gently.

Harry giggled and poked his head out from under the blanket. "Find m-me" he whispered. She frowned in confusion, "Say w-wheres Harry" he whispered again.

"Where's Harry?" Rose laughed. This is the cutest thing I've ever seen.

"I don't know. I think he's outside." Anne said playing along.

Before Rose could say anything else, Harry threw the blanket off and shouted, "Heres H-Harry!" And tackled Rose in a hug. She laughed loudly and hugged him back with his cheek pressed to her shoulder.

"C'mon curly, let's go eat lunch." Rose said, smiling. They got up from the bed and walked over to the kitchen where two sandwiches sat on the table. As they ate, he slowly inched closer to her until our thighs were pressed together. When he was done eating he held onto her arm and once again leaned his head on her shoulder. This boy is doing things to me. Things I've never felt before, and it was scaring the hell out of me.

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