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Author's POV

The girls continued crushing Sara's cookies.  Well it was her fault to bring cookies to a lavish party like that but the least she expected was her cookies getting crushed right in front of her eyes.

She was standing there with her head down in embarrassment. Not wanting to cry and ruin her day and also her boss's party but tears already started rolling down her eyes.

Taehyung noticed her silent sobs. He didn't know why but he found sudden rush of guilt in him for the very first time. It's not like he cared for any girl in his whole lifetime but this time he kinda felt bad. "Stop! I think this is enough Luna."

The girl named Luna stopped in her actions and frowned at Tae. "But oppaaa, it's fun. Look at her oppa, sobbing like a kindergarten girl." The girls mocked her and started laughing at her loudly.

"If it's that fun for you, why don't you eat those cookies from the ground? Would be even funnier for all of us," Taehyung said with a bitter sweet smile.


Luna immediately stopped laughing and looked at Taehyung dumbfoundedly. The rest of the girls giggled at Luna. She glared at them. Giving one last deathly look at Taehyung she stomped away from the two getting followed by the girls.

Sara bent down to pick up the box but saw a hand already reaching out for it. It was Taehyung's. He looked at her apologetically. He gave her the box, sara snatched it from him and still looking down, got up and left him there. Taehyung wanted to apologise. This is the first time he felt wrong for breaking someone's heart.

Tink Tink Tink!


Everybody's attention were now fixed on the stage. It was your dad, Mr. KIM on the stage.

"Welcome to the party everyone. I'm so happy to have you all here today. My son Kim Emray, finally turned 20 this year. Emray come my son."

You walked on the stage and smirked confidently towards the crowd. The women of the party started mumbling, giggling and admiring the beauty of the young boy on the stage.

"I know, I know. I hid him from media and everyone till now but now is the time to introduce my youngest son, Kim Emray to all of you," everybody clapped. "He will be in charge of the firm I'm opening here in Korea." You looked confidently at the crowd with your stern look. Cameras were flashing your way. You looked around and found people talking and whispering to each other.

"I'm thankful to my dad for this opportunity given to me. I promise to stand upto his expectations. I hope you all will take good care of me," you winked to the crowd while smiling making the women squeal in excitement. Oh what a charming boy they said while fanning themselves.

"Give her an Oscar already," Hazel giggled at the squealing women.

Many people started gathering around Mr. Kim and you congratulating and giving you well wishes.


Y/n's POV

I silently slide myself out of the crowd. It was getting too exhausting for me.

"Mr. Emray, the list of attendees tonight are among the information I handed to you before-," "WTF! When did you get here?" I stumbled back in shock when Sara whispered in my ear out of nowhere.

"Oh I'm sorry! I'm sorry for startling you Mr.Emray," she widened her eyes. Sighs this girl... .

"I've memorized it already Sara, thank you."

"But just in case, I'll be beside you to remind you."

"Mm, got it, I'm off to the washroom," i replied and made my way to the washroom. Its too crowded tonight. I'd better compose myself in the washroom beforehand. Think think, how should I come in contact with Jeon Jungkook.


Why does it feel so cold over here?

It can't be an icy mountain inside it.


There is an icy mountain here afterall.

I stopped at the bathroom door. My eyes met with the cold brown eyes of jungkook. We both kept staring at each other when i decided to better look away and pretend i don't know him.



Unconsciously my line of sight went down to his lil friend down there. I quickly gave him a thumbs up with a wow face indicating 'SPECTACULAR'!

He looks down and zips his pants with his poker face.

I scoffed and looked at him with a mischievous face. "What are you afraid of? I didn't bring a ruler in pfft!" Shoot, i said it out loud. Jungkook shot up his face.

Fuck..I'm dead

He slowly walks towards me and in no time i was pinned against the washroom wall. He holds my chin in his firm grip, very tightly. I tried not to flinch and maintained my posture.

"What did you mean earlier?" He asked with a stone cold face. We kept staring at each other.

"Ahh that, I just felt that you looked rather tasty~" Jungkook's eyes immediately  grew big and his cheeks flushed pink. I smirked.

"But-," i took his hand. "I don't like being the passive one you see," and put my other hand on his chest.

"Sorry~" gently pushing him back on the wall i said, "I prefer being the active party."

Jungkook was totally taken aback. Our mouths were just centimetres apart. I could smell his cologne mixed with his sweat.
I looked at his lips. They looked pink and soft but parted, i could feel that he was breathing heavily.

I locked my eyes with his and gently held his chin in my fingers and made his head tilt a bit. "Hmm, up close your eyes look like a rabbit's, like a cute and shy bunny." He furrows his brows. "They're.... rather pretty," i said with a smug continuing to stare into his soul.

He slaps my hand away. "Pfft scared?" I mocked him while backing away in process. I was only joking. If i frightened you, i apologise ~"

"Right, i don't think you've washed your hands yet. Take your time. I'll be off…" i turned around and started leaving the washroom.

"KIM EMRAY!" I stopped. "Just who do you think you are huh?"

"So pretty. You were just reverse kabedon-ed! Next time, you do it," i said while waving back and making my way out of the washroom.



I stood there in silence.

Dang it!

I looked in the washroom mirror and touched my cheeks they were hot and bright pink.

How could I have felt so pressured by him?

Am i just too tired?

Or is it ...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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