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Author's POV

You were silently walking upstairs lost once again in the ocean of thoughts. You were always desperate to take revenge on THE JEONS but now when its time you can't get help but get second thoughts. Are you doing it right? Are you really ready to do something evil against your former best friend and his family? You felt bad at the same time that how you were thinking of doing bad to the murderers of your family would be unfair. You have to think hard and make your mind.

But first, Sara! You totally forgot about her existence in all this mess. You started making your way towards the guest room, to check on Sara. You face palmed remembering how your sister just called you by your real name minutes ago like it was nothing and now you have to make stories to cover her mess.

You were internally praying Sara to be asleep. You opened the door to find her laying on the bed with fresh clothes. She was looking more fresh and peaceful than before. You were happy, Mrs. Choi never disappoints you. You close the door with a contented smile playing on your face.

"Emray!" Shit. You curse under your breath.

You turn to face Sara leaning against the door. "Hey Sara, I hope you are comfortable. Umm if u need anything you can call me or Mrs. Choi-"

"Emray I am very comfortable. Actually, I wanted to thank you, for this, for everything. I don't know- if u were not there for me maybe... maybe I would be on the road right now, crying or must've got rapped-"

"Hey Sara shush. Don't think about such negative things." You walked up to her n held her in your arms. Sara was crying like a baby in your arms. "Don't cry you big girl. Sleep. Take some rest we'll talk later okay?" Sara nods. You pat her head and wipe her tears. She was looking at you so pleadingly.

You gently cares her cheek. "Emray?"


"Why did Miss Hazel called you Y/n earlier?"

And a sudden urge to throw yourself out the window shot in you.


Six drunk men were lying on the floors of Seokjin's penthouse. Anybody can tell by their current state that they were deeply wasted.

Hoseok and Namjoon were half sprawled on the table with bottle of soju in their hands. The rectangular table was decorated with empty soju bottles with snacks and plates with little food left in them. Jimin was shirtless. No no his shirt wasn't lying on the floor but he was wearing it around his head. He was holding yoongi's legs, leaning his head on his legs while yoongi was laying with his back against the table drooling wearing the 'swag glasses'. On the couch Jungkook and Taehyung were cuddling and drooling like babies until Jungkook threw a hand on the opposite direction making Tae land on his butt on the floor with a thud.

"Umm... I am not gehhh," Jungkook groans and sleeps back like nothing happened.

"Oww. My butt, my head, my body," Tae grunts in annoyance, siiting up rubbing his head and butt simultaneously.

"Omo kids. You are still sleeping. Get up now," Jin orders from kitchen happily only to get no reaction from them. He was happy that finally he and his love were going to get married and his six 'homies' stayed the whole night with him to celebrate his happiness with him. He was making breakfast for them.

Taehyung lazily enters the kitchen while rubbing his butt and sits on the chair. Groaning he leans his head on the table and gets back to sleep.

"Drink this!" Jin was carrying a tray with six glasses from which he gave one to Taehyung. "Hmm...," Tae hummed.

"Right now!"

"Mommy," Tae surrendered and started drinking it.

Jin went to the other six and set the tray on the table. Just then his phone went off. Quickly pushing Jungkook's legs aside he sat himself on the couch making Jungkook groan in annoyance.


Morning bae~

Jin smiled at the text while Jungkook was burning holes on his frame with his deadly glare.

"Why are you smiling hyung? Is it her?" Taehyung asked while sipping his drink.

"It's not your business," Jin said while replying his girlfriend still smiling widely.

"Yah! I want to see hyung" Tae whined and quickly sat next to Jin making the laying Jungkook sat up and give equal glares to both of his hyungs.

"Good morning?" Tae read Jin's reply in disappointment. "That's it?"

"No nicknames hyung?" the sleeping Namjoon was now up rubbing his head.

" Shut Up y'all let me concentrate!" Jin said with a eye roll.

"You are very no fun hyung," hoseok interrupted while sipping his drink.

"What the- why am I shirtless?" Jimin was in utter shock as his hands blew to his chest in an attempt to cover himself.

"Jimin I think You should remove your shirt from your head. You look even shorter in that," Jungkook grabbed his drink and gave jimin a smirk.

"Its HYUNG Jungkook!" Jimin said with gritted teeth, wearing his shirt in process. Jungkook scoffed sipping onto his drink.

"Woah, Hazel uploaded a new picture on twitter guys with her beautiful friend," Tae said earning a hit on the head from Jin. Jungkook ears perked up and he curiously peeked into Jin's phone. He saw another beautiful creature next to Hazel. He had to admit it she was pretty attractive.

"Not but he. It's her brother Kim Emray," Jungkook quickly leaned back on the couch mentally cringing. He mentally gagged at how attractive her brother was looking to him. I am not gehhh eww he reminded himself and sipped onto his juice.

"Wow, you never told us hyung that she has a brother," Hoseok exclaimed with a bright smile.

"You don't need to know," Jin said smiling at his phone.



You removed the straps from your chest. After a tiring day you were finally able to rest your body and free it from the tight straps. Sighing to yourself you stepped in the shower.

You were able to make a good excuse as to why Hazel called you Y/n. You also got to know a lot about her. Her mother was suffering from cancer. You could feel how hard it was for her to handle everything so you offered her a job, to work in his company as his personal assistant.

Hazel's wedding will be held in Korea and there your dad will be announcing you as the CEO of his company. Thereon you will be taking care of his business. You were excited but scared to some extent. Since childhood you admired Mr. Kim. How he walked how he talked and you wanted to be just like him. This time its going to be difficult to play against your former best friend but the screams of your family ringing in your head were enough to keep you determined towards your goal.

You wrapped yourself in a towel. Walking up to your closet you pulled one of the drawers and pulled out a picture of little you and a boy playing in a playground. You grinned.

"Wait for me kookie."



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