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Emray's POV

I see the poor girl dragging her feet along the path with an expression that show deep disappointment. Her hung low and she's quite.

I quickly climb down my bike to check her. She hugs my figure as soon as I reach near to her. Looking up in my eyes she was pleading and crying.

I next I knew was that I was driving and she was hugging my figure from back snuggling like a koala. Her landlord turn her out of their house saying she's a bad impression on their kid because she is always out and mostly coming home late at nights. They don't want a bad influence for their kid.

As if. I mentally scoff. How could they turn out someone at this hour and that too a girl. Lack of humanity. I couldn't help but ask her to come with me, to my house. She just experienced a indecent incident, I can't leave her out when I can help her.

We stop at the entrance gate of the KM Mansion. I slightly bow at the gatekeepers and the gates open for me to drive in.

Pulling on my breaks I gave a side glance to the girl behind me. She is keeping her bags on the ground and climbs down followed by me. Her eyes are wide now captivating the scene in front of her. I lightly pat on her shoulders making her look at me. She gets embarrassed at herself.

I hold her bags to drag. She fights a little bit but gives up in the end.

"Care to pinch me, I wanna wake up from this dream," I laugh at her.

"I'll pinch you and even tickle you but sadly you won't wake up from any dreams."

"Oh my, young master where were you," I look forward to see Mrs. Choi worriedly rushing towards me. "Are you okay? Hand me these bags."She takes the bags from my hands as if they are hurting me.

"Ahh I am totally fine Mrs. Choi. Can you please take this girl to the restrooms and help her wash up," I asked after bowing.

"Who is this pretty girl with you. She seems stressed. Is everything okay?"

"She is a friend. The reason behind her stressful face is that she is tired and wants to sleep. Rest of the story, I'll tell you tomorrow."

"Hello.. Aunty I am Sara. Sorry to disturb you." Sara bows.

"Oh no dear. You are such a good kid. Come with me I'll help you and then you can eat something if you are hungry. You look so skinny," Mrs. Choi smiles sweetly. She goes to call the servant leaving me and Sara behind.

"Mrs. Choi is the eldest in this house. She cooks us all sorts of Korean dishes as she's Korean. And takes care of the house. She's just like a grandma to me," I whisper to Sara smiling, remembering all the good memories with her.

"Oh, she looks really old-"


My head shot up at the direction of the voice in fear. Hazel is walking down the stairs hurriedly. This gurl is really eager to end me shouting my name like that.

"Y/n?" Sara turns her head back to see who is she calling. I mentally face palm like a hundred times.

Mrs. Choi comes back with a servant. I quickly push Sara towards her, "take care and good night," I wish in a nervous scream.

"No- wait- I want to meet- Hazel," she fights back but I make an expression to Mrs. Choi asking her to take her away. She understands and takes her away immediately. A sigh leaves my mouth.

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