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Before I start this I just want to say, thank you!! I honestly wasn't sure if people were even going to read it and lately i've noticed that some people are actually reading it lmao. but yeah please keep reading and let me know if you have any requests because I will take them!

"I'm not so sure how I feel about this Ivy."

"Oh c'mon don't be a loser, it'll be fun!! let's go find Billie." I was still very unsure about my decision of coming here. I don't usually go to parties, I've only ever seen a high school party in a movie or a show and usually something bad always ends up happening in those. But Ivy did try to reassure me that those aren't real but i'm still very nervous.

We walked through the fog and strong smell of weed and other not so clean smells to find where Billie is. After walking around this ginormous house for a couple minutes we eventually found her hanging around our usual group of friends and a few other people that I didn't recognize.

"Rory!!!" I heard from across the room as I turned around saw the familiar bright green roots I know and love.

"Hi Billie, how are you doing?"

"I'm good baby how are you" Ivy gave me that look again as I softly replied.

There was a confusing awkward silence after that to which Ivy broke by saying "Let's go get something to drink, yeah?" while we all agreed.


It's been a few hours after we first arrived and I can tell that we are all a bit off it. Our conversations are starting to not really make since, I don't even think we know what we're talking about.

"I think i'm starting to feel the air. Like I can see it"

"I think that might be the weed"


"I feel like I could run a whole marathon and a half right now"



"Hey guys! do you wanna play a game or something?" One of the guys from our friend group asked.

"Like what?"

"Truth or Dare?"

"That's kinda cliché though isn't it?" I asked.

"I think it sounds kinda fun" Billie added to the conversation, and everyone else agreed.

So now we are all sitting around in what is maybe supposed to be a circle, playing Truth or Dare. So far nothing really crazy or interesting has happened. We've just learned more about Alexa's sex life, and that Mariah hooked up with Jack.

"Lorelei—truth or dare?"


"Why is everyone being so boring and picking truth. We need to make this game more interesting i'm bored" someone yelled.

"Fine. dare" I scoffed.

I then saw Ivy whisper something to Jack who was the one to ask me truth or dare and saw that he perked up and then nodded. uh oh...

"I dare you; Lorelei, to...."

"Spit it out" I dragged out.

"Make out with billie in the closet."


I turned my head to look over at billie who was already looking at me with an unreadable expression. "You don't have to if you don't want to Rory" she said calmly.

"Yes she has to, it's the rules of the game!! come on Lorelei" Jack said.

I thought about it for a moment. It's just a game... right?

"Fine" I huffed. "C'mon Billie" I said as I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the small closet and locked the door behind me.

"We really don't have to do this. They can't even see us so we could always just lie and say that we did do it" she said.

Due to the size of this closet being so small we were already pretty close to each other, but for some reason something kept pulling me closer to her.

"Yeah but...for some reason, I feel like I have to do it."


And that's when it happened.

It's like there was a ghost or something behind me just yelling in my ear and pushing me closer to her to kiss her and I just did it.

She froze up for a second but then finally reciprocated it and was kissing me back.

It started off very slow and sensual but after a bit it started to pick up. I then felt her pull back and our eyes both opened at the same time.


We both spoke at the same time. We giggled at each other trying to decide who should speak first.

"That was..." I started.

"Fun?" she questioned.

I thought about it for a moment while I smiled a bit "Yeah. sure" I laughed.

We then suddenly heard a bunch of loud knocks on the door. "Hurry up sluts!! The dare wasn't to fuck each other in the closet!" Jack yelled.

Billie opened the door saying "We weren't fucking. shut up." while Jack put his hands up in surrender.

I turned to look over at Ivy who had a look of anticipation on her face. I just replied to her expression with a big smile and a slight nod. I can tell that she got what I was trying to say to her and her smile got even wider.

I noticed that Ivy's eyes narrowed down a little bit which confused me so I followed her like of vision and noticed that somehow Billie and I'd hands were now intertwined.

Billie noticed that both Ivy and I were staring at me and Billies interlocked hands and she gave me a shy smile, but continued holding my hand.

I kinda forgot what I envisioned Billies hair color to be so I just said green roots, sorry if it says something different in the other chapters.

Have a good day Ily <3

(Posted earlier than I thought so, not really edited!)

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