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The business man beamed as he held his arms crossed in front of his chest. He was taking in the sights of his new establishment, while all the workers came and went with helping put together the final touches. The grand opening was in just a few short days, and it was going to be glorious. Especially with the old star attractions back, and ready to perform once again. Casually glancing about the largest of the dinning areas, the man noticed two workers wheeling in a large crate on a dolly. It had the word [FRAGILE] printed on it. "Sirs!"

"Yeah?" The men stopped, turning to look at him. "What's this?" He asked, walking up to them. "Oh, the animatronic for the Toys Cabaret." The man hummed. "Almost forgot about that." One of the workers then commented, "Boss, you're sure this thing won't clash with the style of the other ones? I mean, it'll stick out like a sore thumb!" The other worker nodded in agreement. "It was a last minute decision." The boss began, shrugging a little bit. "I had this animatronic specially made—there should be no problem."

"If you say so." With that, the boss waved the two off to continue where they were going.

Looking to the show stage, he watched as a woman took a lint roller to the star mascot's navy polyester vest. He stood still as a statue while she did. to try and make her job easier. "Lovely job with the costumes, Elicia!" The man complimented, just as Elicia finished up. "Thanks." She answered, having a once over of the bear's vest, straightening his bowtie. She then did the same with the bunny. She quietly asked him something, and in response the bunny strummed the open strings of his guitar. "I'll have Joey tune it up later."

"It sounded fine to me." Elicia smirked and shook her head a little. "If it's out of tune now, it'll be much worse later, boss." She told him, stepping off the stage—the mascots watching the two curiously. "Ah, I see." The boss answered. From the corner of his eye, he noticed the peculiar look the chicken was giving him. The man looked back to her. Her violet eyes darted off. Following her boss's gaze, Elicia noticed the look. She hummed to herself, before looking back to her boss. "Things are going good here, sir."

"Good." Before the man could ask or say anything more, Elicia took off towards the direction of the kitchen. Putting two and two together, he shot a brief glare to the three on the center stage, before he himself leaving to look over something else.

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Taking his time as he walked, the Marionette was looking at the posters on the walls as he explored this new and—quite frankly—huge building. All of the posters had the establishment's name on it, but different mascots for each one. Some of these mascots he didn't even recognize. The name of this new restaurant was called "Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Emporium". Quite the title, but he took no issue with it.

One poster briefly caught Puppet's eye. It was for the Dance Gallery. The mascots portrayed were two humanoids, with four smaller ones dancing around the ballerina. He hummed, his curiosity piqued by this. Brushing it aside for now, he continued his search for Freddy, Toy Fred and their respective gangs. Everyone had to prepare themselves for when this place opened, and they would so so the same way they'd do things with every new location.

Coming out of the hallway he'd been in, Puppet walked into a huge dinning area. The show stage's placement was unique, placing Freddy and his friends in the middle of the room—surrounded by the many tables and chairs. Then, in one corner of the room was Pirate's Cove. No "Out of Order" sign in sight, thankfully. He smiled, impressed by it all. "Puppet!" The bear, bunny, chicken and fox were all gathered in the center of the room talking. Bonnie had spotted him. "There you guys are!"

"Puppet, have you seen this place?" Chica asked, excitement in her tone. "It's quite big." The Marionette commented in reply. "And, by the looks of it, there's even more of us here." Freddy's eyes widened. "Woah, really?" The quartet all shared the same smiles upon hearing this. "Oh yes, I've already seen the posters for them—including the Toys." Foxy chuckled. "Ah, them land lubbers'll be performin' 'ere too, t'en?" Puppet gave an affirming nod. "Awesome!" Bonnie exclaimed.

"Would you guys like to join me?" Puppet offered, explaining with, "I was going to go round everyone up for a group meeting. Introductions are certainly going to be in order." The four briefly exchanged glances, before Freddy gave a nod. "Lead the way, and don't get us lost." He joked. The Marionette laughed, shaking his head. "Don't worry, I have a pretty good sense of direction." With that, the five began their exploration of this new restaurant.

Freedom Lost [FNAF/UT] (Freedom AU Book 11)Where stories live. Discover now