ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 ℕ𝕚𝕟𝕖

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  The warehouse was dark. Of course, this was due to there being no night staff assigned to it that night—thanks to somebody in management's poor scheduling job. She couldn't complain, however. This simply made her return much easier. No worrying about humans spotting her as she made her way into the small, hidden room in the far back corner of the modest sized warehouse.

Lolbit hung her black-colored cloak up on the hook by the door, as she closed it behind herself to effectively keep the room hidden. She pulled the string on the lightbulb in the center of the room to turn it on, then turned to grab her tablet from the small excuse for a desk. Sinking down into her makeshift cot, she turned it on to see if she'd gotten any messages of importance. Lolbit snickered to herself. "Like I'd get any non-important messages." She joked to no body.

There was but one update to her 'case'. She had to pay special attention to one of the Anthros. Bonbell. They weren't sure if he was a possible threat to himself and others, and while they looked into it, Lolbit was asked to make sure nothing bad happened. Having one disaster on top of another would be no good. Even though what she'd seen so far would suggest that the bunny was perfectly fine, Lolbit gave her answer of affirmation that she would do that.

Now caught up on her messages, Lolbit checked the time. It would be midnight in an hour. That gave her a half hour to get some rest before going off to keep an eye on everyone again. She turned the tablet off and set it to the side again. With her arms crossed over her chest, Lolbit fell asleep.

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"We must not have been conscious when we were brought here." Puppet speculated. "Sort of like how it happened with the circus." Gold sighed and shrugged. "Seems likely." He agreed. "I still don't understand how this even happened." Springtrap commented with an frustrated expression. "We didn't even see any warning signs before hand to know that they were going to pull a stunt like this!" Puppet's gaze fell. "Maybe there were warning signs, but it was too late for anyone to have told us."

"What do you mean?" Gold looked between the two. "What if Sophie had found something out, or heard something, but couldn't tell us in time?" Puppet looked a little skeptical. "She's too sharp for something like this to go unnoticed by her, I think." Springtrap rolled his eyes. "That wouldn't be good, then." Both Gold and Puppet looked at him. "If something this big went unnoticed by Sophie, wouldn't that imply that the company is on to her?"

"Oh, no..." Gold quietly mumbled. "Which leads me to my next point." The bunny continued. "We won't be able to rely on Sophie to get us out this time." Puppet nodded. "My thoughts exactly. While we could hope she gets help from the Guard, I think we'll have to try and get ourselves out of this. Find out where we are, and what it takes to escape." He agreed.

"So then, do you have a plan?" Gold wondered. Though somewhat hesitantly, Puppet shook his head 'no'. "I need time to think and come up with something." He said, standing up from his seat in the employee lounge. "In the meantime, if either of you have any ideas of your own, let me know." The two nodded. Puppet hummed, before taking his leave of the room.

Both bear and bunny remained silent for a moment after their friend left. Both trying to think of any idea on how to get their friends and family out of the establishment without anyone noticing and putting a stop to it. This was definitely going to be a challenge. Springtrap turned to Gold, and was about to speak again, when someone else entered the room. She wore a black hood, which failed to conceal her orange-furred muzzled. "... Lolbit?"

"Hi, there." She greeted with a smile, taking her hood off. Springtrap gave his friend a puzzled look. "You know her...?" Gold's window to answer was interrupted by the fox. "I spoke with Gold a week ago." She paused, glancing off. "Or was it two...?" Gold stood up, and walked up to her with his slow limp. "Anyways, I overheard your guys' conversation." Springtrap's eyes narrowed. "You were eavesdropping?"

"Yes, yes I was." The bunny shook his head. "I wanted to extend a helping hand, if you'll take it." By now, Springtrap had also gotten up from his seat to stand before Lolbit. "What kind of help?" Gold wondered. "I can't specify." She answered. "But, if you need help with anything at all, ask me and I will certainly see what I can do." She explained, tagging on a, "Covertly, at that." The bear hummed. "Can you help us get out of here?"

"No..." Lolbit told the bunny, her answer a little bit drawn out. He still looked skeptical of her. "Who are you, again?" Springtrap asked her. "I'm Lolbit—like Goldie just said." Gold's ears flattened in annoyance. "Must you call me that?" Lolbit shrugged. "I can stop if you want." The bear gave her a nod. "Alright." Springtrap huffed a little. "That didn't answer my question. I didn't ask for your name."

"My name is all you'll get. The rest is classified." Lolbit informed him. "Now then, I'm glad we spoke. Please excuse me." She turned around to leave the room. "Wait, where are you going?" Gold asked her. "I've got a bunny to go check up on. Possible safety issue. I wouldn't expect you to know about it." She said. Before either could ask any further questions, the fox put her hood back up and swiftly exited the room.

"Should we tell Puppet that there's some random fox spying on us?" Springtrap suggested. His friend half-nodded. "We probably should." He agreed, looking to the bunny. Gold had a familiar glint in his eye, and before Springtrap could stop him, the bear had already teleported to wherever he suspected the Marionette to be. Springtrap grumbled to himself now that he had to wander the building on his own looking for the two.

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A.N. Today was just a simple chapter. There'll be a little more action next week, though. Thanks for reading!

Freedom Lost [FNAF/UT] (Freedom AU Book 11)Where stories live. Discover now