ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪-𝔽𝕠𝕦𝕣

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  The officer took a long sip at his hot 'to-go' coffee. On a cool, autumn night like this, a warm coffee was a must for this stakeout. Or whatever this was meant to be. His police captain had used the term 'stakeout' in a rather loose context. In a normal circumstance, a stakeout would be done in an unmarked vehicle, where he would be watching a specific building for a suspect. But in this instance, the officer was simply making sure no one unauthorized left the establishment. His partner was doing the same thing in another vehicle parked near the other exit of the building.

How he was supposed to know who was authorized to leave or enter the establishment? He and his partner were told that anyone unauthorized to leave would have an appearance that didn't look human. No further context was given, before both officers were instructed to subdue any individuals they saw trying to leave.

The officer couldn't exactly speak for his partner, but he himself wanted to ask more questions. Their captain was being strangely elusive, after all. But, the promise of extra pay quickly quieted any questions he had been about to ask. More pay was more pay, and if all he had to do to get it was sit in a cruiser, in an empty parking lot, for six hours—he'd absolutely take it. Nothing was stopping him, anyhow.

Stifling a yawn, the officer spotted a figure from his peripheral vision. He turned to see someone walking up to the parking lot. Nowhere near the building. Narrowing his eyes, the officer watched the person—who he noticed to look human—walk up to his cruiser. He promptly lowered the window to speak with the guy. "Good evening, Officer."

"Evening, sir." The cop replied. "Can I help you with anything?" The man, looking to be in his fifties if the officer had to guess, gave the cop a friendly smile to go with his curious expression. "I don't think so," He began. "I was just curious to see you parked here, is all." The officer raised a brow. "And why's that, sir?" The man shrugged. "This is part of my jogging route, and tonight's the first night I saw you." He replied. Even though his jogging attire now made sense, the cop still blinked in confusion. He looked to his digital watch. "Sir, it's nearing half past 4 in the morning."

"I know," The man hummed. "My shift at my job starts at 5:30, and I work here in town." The officer couldn't help but shake his head a little. "So, you're just an early riser, then?" The man laughed. "Exactly." The officer chuckled, himself. "Well then," He went on. "I'll simply wish you a good jog, since I'm not allowed to just tell you about what I'm doing here." With a bit of a shrug, the man nodded. "I understand. Good morning, then." The cop gave him a nod, saying, "See you tomorrow." And with that, the man jogged off and away from the parking lot.

It took him no time to jog back far enough to not be seen or heard by the officer. As the man caught his breath, he pulled out a radio device from his coat pocket. He held down a small, red button and held the device up to speak into it. "Lolbit, you there?" Static. "10-4, what's the situation?" Came the response. "I can confirm the officers are watching the building."

"You can?"

"The officer I just spoke to said he'd see me tomorrow." The man said. "Ah, you used the morning jog excuse." Lolbit said, following a static. "Right, then. Think you can work something for a distraction tomorrow? We plan to have a few of them leaving for the bus by then." She asked him. "I've got a few ideas, yes. Just worry about sneaking them out." He told her. Static. "Good. Thanks, Herman."

"Don't mention it." Herman said. "Over and out."

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Arriving back to the Employee Lounge, Lolbit appeared in front of Puppet and Springtrap. Both stood from the sofa they'd been sitting on. "So? What's happening?" Puppet asked her. "My source was able to confirm that those cops will be here the rest of the night. And tomorrow, too." Springtrap huffed. "And the night after?" He questioned. Lolbit shrugged, but nodded. "Probably then, too." She told him. "Well. Isn't that just great!"

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