ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪-𝕋𝕨𝕠

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  Pinching the bridge of her "nose", Undyne was tapping her foot in an irritated manner. Py, meanwhile, was sitting with his arms crossed—he himself irritated by her irritation. She finally looked at him, and opened her mouth to speak. But, she closed it and shook her head. "Well?" Py asked her with a bit of a nod. "Did you seriously call the restaurant?" Undyne questioned him. The Marionette nodded. "Yes, and?"

"And?" Undyne parroted. "What do you mean 'and'? You can't just call the restaurant, Marionette!" Py deadpanned a little. "And why not? You think the phone lines were tapped? Maybe it was an employee posing as my son? They record every phone call that comes in? Honestly, now..." Undyne rolled her eyes. "Some of those might be plausible, actually!" She told him. "And anyways, how did you even get that phone number?" The Guard Captain wondered. "From a flyer."

"What flyer?"

"An advertisement flyer for the restaurant." Py answered. Undyne blinked. "Where did you get an ad flyer?" He hummed. "I have my ways." Sighing in exasperation, Undyne crossed her arms and stared down at him. "Would you be so kind as to sharing what your ways are? This is an open investigation—we need all the help we can get?" For a brief second, there was a genuine look of consideration seen in the Marionette's dark eyes. But, he shook his head 'no'. "Why not?"

"It's not for me to disclose, unfortunately." He said. "If I could, I would gladly share this information. However, I have been advised to not share it." Undyne paused, thinking for a moment. "... Is someone, or you, in danger?" She then asked, lowering her tone a little. "Not danger, per se. And it isn't me, either." Undyne hummed. "If you say so." Py nodded.

Continuing on with the current issue at hand, Undyne then asked, "If you got the restaurant's phone number, did you also get the address?" Py sighed a little. "I'm sorry to say, the flyer had no address." Undyne gave him a confused look. "I was told the flyers were personally mailed to families who'd signed up for Fazbear Entertainment's mailing list. So, those who received the flyers, received them in envelopes with the return address—therefore allowing the company to not print the address on the flyers."

"They're good..." Undyne quietly said, sounding frustrated of the fact. Shaking her head a little, the Guard Captain looked over to her desk to get a notepad and a pen. She held both to the Marionette. "Can you write down the phone number, then?" Py nodded, and took the pen and notepad. "Certainly."

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"Mail for you, Mr. Abrams." Mindlessly swinging her legs above the ground, a little brunette girl watched as one of her dad's employees handed him a big envelope. He looked at the sender's address, and then gave the employee a perplexed look. "Why on earth was this mailed? He couldn't have just faxed it?" The employee shrugged. "I'm just the messenger, sir." He said, raising his hands up a little in defense. Her dad huffed and shook his head. "I suppose I'll just have to call him, then."

"But, Daddy," The girl began, looking a little worried. "When will we go have lunch?" Her father briefly glanced to her. He was already taking out his cellphone. "If I'm able to get this work done, then we will." She tilted her head. "... But, what if you don't?" Her father sighed in exasperation. "Then we'll eat in my office." That answer elicited a small whine from his daughter. "I wanted to watch the robots, though..." Her father rolled his eyes a little. "With that attitude, that won't be happening-"

Just as he was about to call someone on his personal phone, the phone outside the office—in the hall—rang. He paused, watching as the employee went to answer. The man stepped aside to see through the door. "Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Emporium, how may I help you?" The employee listened to the response. "Oh, you didn't?" The little girl also looked over curiously. "It's the address you need...?" Looking unsure, the employee looked back over at his boss—who whispered, "Who's calling?"

"Er... Who is this, if I may ask?" The little girl looked up at her dad, who was sporting a suspicious look. "You sell... freezers?" The employee raised a brow. "O-Okay, the address... Um," His boss shook his head no, implying to the employee that he was not to tell the address. "Uh, sorry, but um... We don't need freezers. Thanks anyways... Yes, okay, bye." Not allowing the caller to say another word, the employee hung up. "That was kinda weird." He confessed. His boss gave him a pointed look. "Please remember that we do not give out the restaurant's location to anyone who wasn't on the mailing list. Understood?"

"Yes, sir."

"But... Why not, Daddy?" The girl wondered. Her father waved her off. "It's none of your concern, Alyssa. Now, please be quiet—I have a phone call to make.

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Gold was wearing a light, autumn coat that afternoon, when he'd decided to take a small walk on his own. The park wasn't that far away, after all. So, it didn't take long for him to find a particular park bench—one he'd been to numerous times before. Though, normally, he wouldn't be sitting alone. The bear would always be sitting alongside his younger brother, as was their 'ritual' since everyone's arrival to Newer Home. Gold sighed, looking downwards.

With how late into the fall season it now was, hardly any color was visible. Any warm reds and radiant yellows of the leaves were gone. Replaced with browns of both the bare trees, and the dead grass. The pleasant autumn temperature was also gone for, likely, the rest of the year. It was already making way for the upcoming snow. Even now, a few stray flakes fell from the white, cloud-filled sky. Gold found himself brushing them off his shoulders and fur ever so often.

Sitting all alone on this park bench, the bear was feeling a bit useless. The whole point of him making a break for it was for him to lead the Guards to where the others were. But he couldn't remember how to get back to the restaurant. Though Undyne herself had assured him that the information he'd already said will be greatly helpful, Gold still felt he hadn't done enough.

Still looking visibly discouraged, the golden bear idly looked up about the park. There wasn't to many other folks around, seeing as it was a weekday afternoon. Gold supposed he was glad for that, as his being in town wasn't meant to exactly be 'announced' yet. There were two figures walking along another pathway, whom he recognized instantly. Two bears; one pushing a stroller, and one wheeling alongside her. Bernadette and Flo, with his little niece, Annie. The two of them were cooing over the little cub in their care, but even from this distance, he could see their underlying worry.

Gold's ears fell. He wanted to get up from the bench to go and see them. To hug them, tell them that he was okay, and that the rest of the family was okay. Yet, he wasn't allowed to do so. Closing his dark eyes sadly, Gold opted to teleport away before they saw him—returning to the house, where Shine would likely be just returning from the school with Plushtrap.

Freedom Lost [FNAF/UT] (Freedom AU Book 11)Where stories live. Discover now