ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔼𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟

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  Spring Shine was all but racing up the sidewalk and to the Guard Station—Plushy staggering to keep up with her. She could hardly believe her eyes when she'd seen the text Sophie had sent her early. She had been getting ready to go and pick Plushtrap up from school when she received it. Shine had almost considered calling the school to tell the school she'd be late in picking up her son, but ultimately decided to quickly go get him first. "Mom! Wait up!"

"Oh-!" Stopping in her tracks, she turned to see Plushy catching up with her while huffing and puffing. "Here, I've got you," She then reached down to pick him up so as he didn't have to continue running with her. (She refused to admit yet that her son was getting a bit heavy to carry, anyways). "Why are we going to the station?" Plushy asked, gripping his arms around his mother's shoulders as she kept on speed-walking. "I'll tell you when we get there, promise!"

"Okay." Plushy mumbled, continuing to hold onto his mother as they entered the Guard Station.

Arriving inside, Shine noticed Undyne speaking with the monster at the reception, just as two people seated in the waiting area spotted her and Plushtrap. Just as she was about to get the Guard Captain's attention, someone else called her name. "Spring Shine!" Looking towards them, Shine and Plushy both saw Sophie and Gold standing there. Plushy's eyes lit up. "Uncle Gold!"

"Fredbear...!" The young bunny shimmied out of his mother's grip, and instantly went to wrap his arms around the bear—who reciprocated the gesture as best he could despite their heigh differences. Shine was next to wrap her arms around her honorary brother, happy to see him. "Thank goodness...! You're okay!" Sophie smiled. "I'm so happy to see you two!" Stepping back, Shine then asked, "But... Where's Springtrap? Or the others?"

"They stayed behind," Gold answered, looking apologetic. "I was the only one who could leave." Both Shine and Plushy's ears drooped, upset at having heard this. "Oh," Shine sadly hummed. "But... Why? What's going on?" Undyne had heard her questions, and went over to join the four.

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Being very careful, Plushtrap went about putting together a portion of breakfast for his uncle. With a bowl of cereal put together, Plush took it off the counter and just as carefully went to put it on the kitchen table just in time for Gold to arrive for breakfast. "Good morning, Fredbear." Shine greeted, while she was putting together her's and her son's breakfast. "How did you sleep?" Gold tiredly hummed, sitting down at the table. "Not very good... my sleep schedule's been all messed up, unfortunately."

"I'm sorry." Shine said. Gold half nodded, before looking to his nephew. "Thanks, Plushy." He thanked, ruffling the bunny's fur atop his head. "Your welcome, Uncle Gold." Plushy answered while sitting down at the table with his mother and uncle. With that, the three quietly went about eating their breakfast.

The quiet breakfast was soon interrupted by a knocking at the door. Swallowing her food, Shine slid her chair back and went to answer it. Gold watched as she did. Shine opened the door, and was greeted by the Marionette. "Hello, Mr. Marionette." Shine greeted, sounding a little awkward addressing him as such—but was unable to call him anything else, seeing as he wouldn't tell anyone his name. "Is Gold here?"

"Um... Yes?" Shine answered, giving him a puzzled look. "Why?" The Marionette continued. "I need to talk to him," He told, adding, "Alone." Shine hummed, looking over into the kitchen. Gold was already getting up from his seat, to unevenly walk over to the front door—indicating he would speak with him. "You sure, Gold? You don't have to if you don't want to." Gold waved her off. "It's fine." He looked to the Marionette. "Should we step outside?"

Freedom Lost [FNAF/UT] (Freedom AU Book 11)Where stories live. Discover now