ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 ℕ𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟

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  "Ah, good morning, Miss Brown." Getting up from her seat at the otherwise unoccupied front desk, Elicia gave her boss a smile. "Good morning, Mr. Abrams." She greeted in return. "I didn't expect to see you this morning." Abrams smirked and shrugged. "Well, such things happen when business is booming." Elicia chuckled. "And, how was your shift tonight?" Abrams asked her. "It went by fairly well, nothing to worry about, sir."

"Good." He hummed. "Thank you again for filling this position. No body else wanted it, you see." Elicia nodded. "I understand. Nobody really enjoys night shifts, anyways." Abrams laughed. "No, of course not." His small laughed died down to a sigh. "I guess I should let you go home." Elicia fished her car keys from her pocket, as her boss continued. "Have a good evening, Miss Brown." He told her, before heading on into one of the "Employees ONLY" doors—Elicia going out to get in her car and go home.

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Alphys, looking over the statement Gold had given to the guards, blinked a few times in confusion. "U-Um..." Undyne scratched the back of her neck. "Yeah, I know, it isn't ideal." The shorter monster looked up at the Guard Captain. "Th-This was all h-he c-could tell you?" Undyne nodded. "It is," She confirmed. "And, I can't honestly blame him." Undyne confessed. "When Sophie brought him in, he looked kinda worse for wear. He said he had wanted to get some shut-eye on the bus, but tried willing himself to stay awake so he could read the street signs."

"Hm." Alphys hummed sympathetically. "B-But then, he d-didn't remember what th-the signs said?" Undyne nodded. "He really did try to remember, but he was too tired." She added. Alphys looked back at the statement notes and transcript again. "So, do you think you could help us out at all?" Alphys' eyes narrowed a little, as she seemed to be considering something. "Yon kn-know, there might b-be." Undyne gave her an intrigued look. The scientist continued. "If I-I knew which bus G-Gold arrived on, th-then maybe we c-can get ahold o-of it's r-route from that day." Undyne's eye widened. "You could do that?"

"We could, y-yes." The Guard Captain slowly smiled. "That would be great!" Alphys smirked, though only for a second. "Did G-Gold s-say what bus it w-was?" Undyne shook her head 'no'. "He didn't, but there's only one bus stop that takes people to and from town. We'll just ask the monsters running it for the information we need." Alphys nodded. "Alright, th-then." Undyne gathered up the papers of Gold's statement, before then saying to Alphys, "We'll go do that now."

"Fine b-by me."

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"Hey, Gold?" The bear turned to the doorway of the guest room to see Shine standing there holding a folded blanket. "There's supposed to be a cold snap tonight, do you want an extra blanket?" She asked him. "Sure. Thanks." Gold answered, going over to take the blanket from her. As he did, Shine momentarily held onto the blanket. She had again noticed a look in his dark eyes. The bunny placed a hand on her friend's forearm. Gold looked at her curiously.

"The other's will be okay, Gold." He sighed. "You said so yourself that they're handling themselves well." Shine reminded him. "I know." Gold said. Taking the blanket, he went back towards the bed and put it down. Shine shook her head a little. "Well, goodnight, then." She said to him. "'Night." Shine left the room to go check on Plushy, before she would turn in for the night. Gold simply continued going about settling in for another restless night.

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Tonight was another night. Elicia was drinking her coffee from home while she watched the security monitors. Her previous shift had gone by surprisingly quiet. Obviously, she'd finally gotten the mascots to listen to her. So, more than likely, there would be no problems now. Relaxing, Elicia set her coffee cup on the office desk. She then took her cell phone from her pocket to begin mindlessly scroll for a few minutes before needing to do rounds in the building.

Freedom Lost [FNAF/UT] (Freedom AU Book 11)Where stories live. Discover now