ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕚𝕧𝕖

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On the other side of the door, Springtrap could hear the occasional employees coming and going, likely collecting things from other rooms in the basement. Through the small air vent in the ceiling, he could hear the echoes of the restaurant's crowds, with it now being business hours. Children—some running about while others sat and ate—were all being entertained by the live performances of the Anthros, who were being marketed to the public as animatronics.

  Sighing to himself, the bunny turned to look at Gold. He had long since returned with the appropriate key for the room they'd been locked in, but after getting the door open, the bear went to sit against the wall. He then fell quiet, saying hardly a word to him. That was mainly thanks to the bear falling asleep for a bit, but for the rest of the time, Springtrap didn't know why he'd been so quiet.

  "Gold," He began, heading over to sit by him. "When're you gonna tell me what happened?" Gold looked away. "I already told you..." Springtrap shook his head. "Yeah, you told me that just about everybody is here, but I want to know why you've suddenly gone quiet. Did something happen upstairs?" With a sigh, Gold briefly closed his eyes. Springtrap put a hand on his shoulder. "There was someone else up there, who seemed to have been looking for me."

  "Oh?" Gold continued. "She said her name was Lolbit, but didn't tell me anything else... and she somehow knew my name." He shook his head. "She did seem like she had something to tell me... but she didn't have time. So, she... shook my hand, I think... and now, my memory's been..." The bear trailed off. Springtrap's head tilted a little to try and make some kind of eye contact. "Your memory's been 'what'?"

  "I've been rememberin' things... things from even before the Diner..." Gold answered, a hand coming up to rub his tired eyes. "It's kinda overwhelmin'..." Springtrap looked a bit surprised. "You're saying this 'Lolbit' person did this to you?" The bear shrugged. "I don't know... it happened so fast..." He answered. The bunny hummed, intrigued.

  "I don't wanna ponder on it... it's givin' me a headache." Gold then said, brushing Springtrap's hand off his shoulder. "We'll head up to talk with Puppet later tonight, when all the humans're gone..." With that, the bear fell silent again, leaning away from his friend. Springtrap fell quiet too, though because his mind was now distracted. Memories began flooding his mind, memories he hadn't thought of in a long time. But he knew they were his. "... Okay." He mumbled, sitting back to try and process all of these rekindled memories.

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  Pulling her car keys from the ignition, Sophie was smiling. She was happy to be visiting Newer Home again. Though she was glad she'd spent two weeks out of town with her parents, and it was nice to get away for a bit, she did miss her friends. Especially the homemade goods served at her favorite café in town. Stepping out of her car, Sophie looked over to the building. She almost instantly noticed that the "We're Open!" sign wasn't illuminated.

  Pulling out her phone as she closed her car door, the ginger checked the time and date. Odd. Chica usually had her café open at this time of week. Maybe there was a notice on the door on why the café wasn't currently open. Sophie stuffed her phone in her autumn jacket, and made her way up to the door. Nothing. Even the sign with the business hours said that the café was supposed to be open. With a shrug, she took her phone out again. She opened her text messages, decided to type a quick one up to Chica.

-Hey, I'm back in town. How's it going? Say hi to Annie for me!

  "Hello." A soft, southern voice greeted. Sophie looked up, and saw both Bernadette and Francine walking up to her. The elder bear was pushing a stroller in front of herself—the littlest Fazbear sleeping soundly inside. "Oh, hi Mrs. Fazbear, hey Flo." She greeted in return, giving them both a friendly smile. "I'm afraid the cafe's gonna be closed until further notice." Bernadette explained, letting Francine hold onto the stroller as she went to pin up a piece of paper on the door. "What? Has something happened?"

  "Ya mean, you didn't hear?" Francine asked, giving the human a puzzled look. "I er, no? I've been out of town the past couple weeks." Flo mouthed an 'oh'. "Almost everyone's gone..." Sophie blinked. "Gone? Everyone, who?" She asked, still sorely confused. "Most of us Anthros. Only ones of us still here in town are us three, Fredrick, the Fox Twins, Plushtrap 'n Spring Shine..." Bernadette answered, giving her a sad look. Sophie's eyes quickly widened. "Woah, hold on! What do you mean gone? Like, they picked up and left or something?"

  "No," Bernadette began with a small shake of her head. "Abducted. At least, that's what the Royal Guard is sayin' happened." Now, the human's mouth was agape. "I... Just like that?" Both bears nodded. Sophie stared down at the ground, in a bit of disbelief. "This is... It's like the circus all over again... but in mass...!" A small cry sounded from the stroller after Sophie made her observation, instantly grabbing Bernadette's attention. She went to check on her granddaughter—taking the little cub from the stroller to be coddled in a comforting manner.

  Sophie was silent, as she watched Annie being tended to by her grandmother, and cooed by her auntie. She sighed. "I'm sorry about all this," She began, tightening her grip on her car keys and pocketing her phone once again. "I've gotta go." Bernadette nodded. "I wanna have a word with the Guard..." Sophie said to them. "Have a good afternoon... I guess." Flo gave her a smile in thanks, though it looked more sad than anything. Sophie got into her car to head to the Guard Station.

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  "Good afternoon, Sophie." Undyne greeted, having come out to the lobby to meet her. Sophie turned to look at her. "I just heard what happened! What's going on?" She asked, riddled with worry. "Have you been somewhere?" The monster questioned. "I was out of town to visit my parents the past two weeks. Why?"

  "Well, we had tried to contact you." Undyne said. She shook her head a little. "Come, walk with me, I'll explain it to you." Sophie nodded, following after. "I'm sorry, I wasn't easy to reach. What'd you need me for?" She wondered. Lowering her voice lest anyone eavesdropped, Undyne told her, "You're the Anthros' advocate against Fazbear Entertainment."

  "... Yes?" Undyne continued. "We have reason to believe they're involved in everyone's sudden disappearances." Sophie rolled her eyes, brows pinched in an unsurprised way. "Makes sense. No travelling circus is big enough to pull a stunt like this." She commented with a bit of a huff. "What do you need me to do?" Undyne nodded at her willingness. "The same thing you always do. Get information from your boss. What he won't tell you, find out for yourself in his office. Bring all your findings back to us."

  "Gotcha... Hey, would I get arrested if my boss found out what I was up to?" Sophie asked, this concern popping up in her mind. Undyne pat her shoulder. "We've got your back, don't worry about that." She assured her. "We wouldn't let anything like that happen to you, especially not after all the help you've brought to the Anthros." Sophie smiled a little and shrugged. "Alright, then. Thank you."

  "Don't mention it." Undyne said, as they stopped walking. "You can be on your way, now." Sophie nodded. "Okay, I'll contact you the moment I find something." She said in return. Turning around, Sophie began walking down the way the came.

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  Stepping into the bus, it felt just as crowded at the sidewalks of Ebott City. He would shove down his discomfort in knowing that once at his stop in the next town, there'd be a great decrease in human crowds. Settling down into his seat, a slim hand came up to adjust his fedora to overshadow his masked features. Then, said same hand adjusted the high lapels of his coat, before leaning a bit closer towards the bus window as the vehicle took off.

  He smiled to himself, happy that knew for certain he was going to the right town. Knowing exactly who he was going to finally find there. And it made him excited, though said excitement was hardly visible on the outside. A light, cold rain slowly began to fall, droplets dripping down the bus window.

Freedom Lost [FNAF/UT] (Freedom AU Book 11)Where stories live. Discover now