ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪

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  "And voila!" Looking up from Annie—who was snuggled happily in her mother's arms—Chica saw Francine finishing up with the small flowerpots that held the freshly picked Cosmos she'd grown. "Aw, they're pretty!" Smiling, Flo shrugged. "Thanks. They'll go great with the season, I think." Freddy'd heard the comment as he came back from the cafe's small kitchen with utensil holders in hand. The bear glanced at the flowers. "I dunno if those flowers really match winter."

"Because it isn't winter, Freddy," Francine told him. "It's still autumn." Her brother shrugged. "If you say so... I just thought I saw a snowflake or two just this morning." Freddy said, bringing the holders to the tables. "Freddy," The three heard Bernadette call from the kitchen. She joined them in the front just as she took off the spare oven mitts. "Don't you go talkin' like that, I ain't ready for winter yet. I'm still enjoyin' autumn, y'hear?" Freddy smirked and stifled a laugh. "Okay, okay, I'm done."

Adjusting her hold of her daughter, ensuring the little cub was snuggled comfortably, Chica asked, "How're the cookies? Do you need any help?" Bernadette waved her daughter-in-law off. "No, it's alright. The snickerdoodles are in the oven, and we've just got to get a pot of coffee on before opening. Don't go worryin' yourself, now." Chica smiled. "Thanks... though, it is still my business though." Bernadette shook her head a little. "Of course it is, and your openin' it this quickly is why we're helpin'." Flo nodded in agreement. "We know it ain't exactly a family business, but we're happy to lend a hand anyhow."

"When did I say it wasn't a family business?" Chica wondered, looking a bit amused. "Sure, I run it, but Freddy's my silent business partner, which makes it a family business." Freddy hummed. "I've never thought of it that way." Chica rolled her eyes a little. "And bein' able to have help from your family also makes it a family run business." Francine added. "It does," Bernadette agreed. "Speakin' of family... Freddy, where's your brother?" Setting down the last utensil holder, Freddy answered, "Him and Springtrap got called back to the Guard Station. I think he said it had something to do about the fire."

"Ah, I see." Bernadette tutted, though Francine on the other hand, narrowed her eyes a little. "Do they know what caused the fire?" Freddy shook his head 'no'. "... I wonder if Springtrap did it?" Freddy briefly glared at his sister for that comment. "Look, I know he's a bit rough around the edges, but Spring wouldn't resort to that. Especially since he's already had to barely survive one fire in his life." The bear explained, sounding a bit defensive. Francine shrugged. "No, you're right, sorry."

"It's okay." Freddy answered, softening his tone. "To be perfectly honest," Chica began. "I'm more than happy to see that place burn, accident or not." Carl chimed in with a cheer in full agreement from his spot at the small table. Chica gave him a nod. Freddy sighed. "Same here," He said.

"Flo?" Francine looked back to her mother. "Could you start a pot of coffee, please? I should be checking on the cookies now." Flo smiled and nodded, going about starting the coffee maker behind the counter. Placing a hand on his wife's shoulder, Freddy asked her, "Should I flip the sign in the window?" Smiling, Chica gave a nod. "Yep, we're good to open, now." The bear returned the smile, before heading over to the front door. He turned the sign hung up to hide the "Sorry, we're closed" side in favor of showing the "We're Open!" side. He then took out his phone to send his brother a text.

'Once you and Spring are done at the Station, the cafe's open.'

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The lobby elevator in the hotel portion of the MTT Resort dinged, it's doors sliding open. Py hunched forward a bit to step out, before the doors closed behind himself. He had a single knapsack in hand as he walked up to the front desk. Only one monster was working there, for the moment. Py caught the employee's attention, prompting him to put the magazine down. The cat monster stood up from his seat to meet the Marionette. "Can I help you?"

"Yes, I'd like to check out." Py simply stated. He took out his room key, placing it on the counter for the employee to take. "Cool," The monster replied, sliding the key over to himself. "Just gimme a sec and I'll hand you the deposit." Py gave a nod in thanks, though said, "No, it's already. The room was paid by Captain Undyne." The employee shrugged. "Oh, well, alright. Thanks for staying here." He replied, giving a small wave off as Py turned to leave.

A new voice caught the Marionette's attention before he was able to let his gaze fall to the the ground on his way to the rotating doors. "Leaving so soon, are we?" The voice sounded rather grandiose, and a bit loud, catching Py off guard. He quickly looked up to see the very face of the whole resort standing before him. Mettaton. "Ah... Hello, sir...?" The robot gave a nod in place of his usual, theatrical bow he'd usually give in greeting folks. (As that was more for fans, than anything). Then, he held out a hand for the Marionette to shake. "Mettaton, a please to meet you."

"... Thank you." Py answered, ever so briefly shaking the monster's hand. "You bear resemblance to the Marionette. You must be Pyped, yes?" At that, the Marionette's dark eyes narrowed. "Who told you that?" His tone of voice told Mettaton that he was a very guarder person, so maybe saying he knew the Anthro's name—without any prior introductions—probably wasn't the best idea. "Oh, please forgive me. That was just what I heard from Dr. Alphys, who heard from Undyne."

"I see..."

"Anyhow," Mettaton clasped his hands together as he continued. "I was just on the search for you." Py tilted his head a little. "Why?" Mettaton smiled. "I'm told your son is looking for you." Py glanced off. "Again.... why?" Mettaton quietly sighed. He'd somehow managed to strike a nerve, strangely. "I'd imagine that if I were parted from my family for years, unable to see or speak to them, that I too would want to reunite the moment they arrive to town." Py shook his head. "Believe me... my son wouldn't want to see me, not after what happened to our family."

"It isn't my place, so I won't ask what it is that's happened to you," Mettaton told him. "However, I did see your son in passing just yesterday. He seems desperate." Py said nothing. Looking over to the employee at the counter, Mettaton gestured to the 'Lost & Found' box sitting nearby behind it. The cat monster took the cue, heading to grab something that had been tucked into the bottom of the box. Mettaton went over and retrieved it, before going back to Py. "Our cleaning staff found this while cleaning the breakfast tables this morning."

Py looked to see the robot holding a photograph. It was a portrait of his son, alongside his daughter-in-law and granddaughters—who he had yet to even meet. Py blinked. "... Thank you." He quietly said, taking the photograph. "I hadn't... realized it'd slipped from my pocket." Mettaton nodded. "It's no problem at all." He answered, seeing how the Marionette was looking over the photograph. The robot was about to say something, when Py added, "The frame this photo was in... it got shattered... likely when the humans took them."

"That's terrible." Py swallowed the lump in his throat, slipping the photograph into the inside of his coat pocket. He then fixed his attention forward, beginning his walk to the exit of the Resort without another word. "Pyped," Mettaton began. Py's stride paused, but he didn't turn around. "At the very least say goodbye before you leave town. You'll certainly regret it afterwards." With a sigh, Py gave a subtle nod before continuing out the door.

Freedom Lost [FNAF/UT] (Freedom AU Book 11)Where stories live. Discover now