ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪-𝔽𝕚𝕧𝕖

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  "Here you are," Faun said. She handed the glass of water to Ballora, who took it with a small smile. "Thank you." Faun nodded, then looking to the 'Minireenas' all huddled on their mother's lap. "Would you girls like anything, too?" The four merely shrugged. "Hey, Faun?" Undyne began. "There's still some cookies in the breakroom, isn't there?" Upon hearing that, the girls seemed to perk up a bit. "Cookies?" Tina asked. "Yes, there are." Faun answered in confirmation. "Can we... have some, please?" Lucette then requested, her sisters all nodding in agreement. Faun smiled. "Of course. I'll be right back."

"Thank you, again." Ballora said to her, just before the monster left the room. Once she did, Dogaressa handed her notes over to her Captain. Undyne glanced over everything she'd been writing down during their interview. "Okay, then," She continued. "I think you've told us just about everything there was to ask, here." Ballora nodded. "Will it be helpful enough? I'm sorry if not." Undyne shook her head. "No, it's perfect, actually." She assured her. "We were only getting closer and closer to finding the restaurant, even before you and your daughters made it into town."

"That's good," Ballora said. "Does that mean that now you'll be able to rescue the others." Somewhat hesitantly, Undyne shrugged. "That's the hard part, unfortunately." She confessed. "The officers in that city aren't exactly being co-operative." Hearing that, Ballora's eyes narrowed a bit. "Why? Because they don't want to work with monsters?" Undyne shook her head 'no'. "They're being problematic for both us, and the Ebott City Police. So, the fact they're giving human officers trouble, means there's something else going on." Undyne explained. "Like what?"

"I can't say," Undyne told. "And even if we did know," Dogaressa added. "We can't really disclose that to you, I'm afraid." Ballora quietly sighed. "I understand, I suppose." The door of the meeting room opened again. Faun entered, holding four cookies in a couple napkins. The 'Minireenas' all turned to look at her. "Here you go, girls. I've brought one cookie for each of you."

"Thanks!" They jinxed, each taking a cookie for themselves. "You're very welcome." Faun answered, before going about retaking her seat from before. Undyne passed Dogaressa her notes back. "I think that'll be all for now. And of course, we're glad to see you've made it home safely." Ballora smiled again. "So are we." She replied. "But, I have a question." Undyne nodded for her to continue. "Are we able to just return to our house?" Undyne hummed. "Yes, but until everyone else is rescued, we'll have someone staying with you to make sure nothing happens."

"Oh?" Ballora seemed intrigued. "Like who?"

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Walking up to the front walkway of the home, Toriel listened to Sans' reply over the phone. "Ah, yes. Thank you again for letting Frisk stay with you and your family, Sans." She said to him. "I very much do appreciate it." Sans gave his reply to her thanks, just as Toriel began walking up to the house's porch. "Yes... Very well. Tell Frisk I love her... Thank you, farewell." With that, the call ended. After promptly putting her phone away in her purse, Toriel walked up the porch steps and knocked on the front door.

There was a brief beat of silence. Nobody answered. Toriel knocked a second time. Another bout of silence. Though, just as she was about to knock a third time, the door opened. Toriel gave Ballora a warm smile. "Hello, Ballora." Opening the door a bit more, Ballora replied, "Hi, Toriel. Please, come in." She accepted the invitation. Ballora closed the door, and turned to face Toriel once again. "It is so good to see that you are alright," She said. Ballora smiled in return. "Thank you!" Toriel then held her arms outward, offering a hug—which Ballora gladly accepted.

The four 'Minireenas' were all sitting at the bottom of the staircase, having left their bedroom—that they had greatly missed—to see who was here. Toriel spotted them. "And hello to you girls, as well." She greeted, eliciting small smiles from the four sisters. "How are you all doing?" A few quiet "good"s were given in response. "Girls," Ballora began, turning her attention to her daughters. "You remember how Captain Undyne said Toriel will be staying with us for a bit, right?"

"Yup." Lucette answered. "I do hope you all do not mind my being here, of course." Toriel then said. The 'Minireenas' all adamantly shook her their heads 'no'. "It's okay, Miss Tori!" Tina assured her. The four then all stood up from where they'd been sitting. "We cans show you the guess room, too!" Rosette added. They then gestured for Toriel to follow them. Ballora laughed a little, as Toriel followed her daughters—she too tagging along to be sure their guest would be settled, well.

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The man's eyes narrowed, his anger visibly growing. The two technicians with him subtly took a step back. Abrams quickly turned his head to look at the two. "What happened?! Where'd they go?!" Both exchanged looks with one another. "... We don't know, s-sir." One technician confessed. "What do you mean you 'don't know'?! Check the security cameras, then!" Abrams snapped. "We did." The other told him. "And?" He continued. "A-And... the cameras were down early this morning."

"You're not serious!"

"I am, sir..." The technician assured him. Loudly exhaling in great exasperation, Abrams took his phone from his pocket. He stepped out of the room to make a phone call, the two technicians following. Unnoticed by the three of them, Baby was glaring daggers at the humans. But, she remained unmoving, as always.

"Yes, hello, Captain." Abrams began when the call went through. "Could you send the report from your officers a little earlier than usual, by any chance?" The two technicians said nothing, merely watching their boss's reaction to what was said on the other end. "... They weren't there last night? Why not?" Abrams asked, trying his best to not snap at the police Captain like he had at his employees. "I see. Well, I apologize that such incompetence is allowed on the force, nowadays... If there is any report at all, do call me." Leaving no more room for argument, from the Captain, Abrams hung up the call.

There was a brief pause, both of the technicians looking too nervous to say anything—less they get snapped at again. Abrams crossed his arms, trying to think of a temporary, quick "fix" solution to this problem. He suddenly snapped his fingers. "I've got it," He began. "Are there any security companies in the area?" He asked, looking back at his two employees. "Yeah, sure. There's one that we do business with for the cameras, and-"

"Not for security equipment," Abram interrupted. "I mean 'security personnel'." The two technicians blinked. Their boss waved them off. "You both can head back to work, I've got more phone calls to make." He instructed them, before heading off for his office. The technicians shrugged, but did as he asked.

Freedom Lost [FNAF/UT] (Freedom AU Book 11)Where stories live. Discover now