Chapter Four: My Little Dinosaur

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2 months , 1 week pregnant

"Why'd you leave me alone with him?!" I asked Jenna when I got in her car after school.

"I just thought you two could us some alone time," she smiled mischievously.

"What do you mean 'alone time'? I just met him today!" I exclaimed.

"I don't know you look like you liked him. And he sure was checking you out," she said.

"Don't be stupid, Jenna. He was clearly curious about the rumors," I practically yelled over the radio.

"Okay, maybe he did was curious, but he sure wasn't judging you. He didn't ask you about it, and then he said he didn't believe them when you brought it up. Trust me, he likes you," Jenna proclaimed with a cocky smirk.

"Whatever," I mumbled and rolled my eyes.

 I ignored Jenna's next remark and listened to the radio, which was playing one of my favorite songs.

By the time the song came to a close, Jenna was pulling into the parking lot a the hospital. I had my ten week ultra-sound today, even though I was technically only nine. I have been here before, about three weeks ago, two days after I'd decided to keep my baby. I would never forget that day. Hearing the baby's heartbeat for the first time is something I would carry with me forever. I remember thinking how fast the baby's heart had sounded, almost like a bird chirping. The thought had made me laugh.

"What's so funny?" Jenna asked as we entered the elevator. I pushed the bottom for the maternity floor. Seven.

"Nothing," I said.

She raised her eyebrows at me, but I just shrugged and smiled. The elevator stopped on the fourth floor. A short, very beautiful Asian woman entered with a tall Caucasian man. She was pregnant and she had also pushed the button for the seventh floor.

When she realized we were headed for the same floor, she smiled at me.

"If you don't mind me asking, when are you due?" she asked politely.

"October 24th," I replied, returning the smile.

"Oh, I'm due August 3rd," she said enthusiastically.

"Boy or girl?" Jenna asked quietly.

"A boy," the man exclaimed with a wide grin.

"Congratulations," I said as the doors of the elevator opened onto the seventh floor. Jenna and I took a left down the hall, while the couple went the other way.

"They were nice," Jenna said.

"Uh-huh," I mumbled.

I couldn't help feeling envious of the couple from the elevator. They were happy, all smiles, and expecting a baby boy together. I, on the other hand, was unhappy and awaiting the arrival of my child in November without a husband who was there to sooth me and tell me he loved me. I sighed as we reached the receptionist's desk.

"Hi, how may I help you?" the receptionist asked, her name tag read 'Helen'.

"Hi, I'm Sophia McKenna. I have an appointment today a 3:45 with Dr. Leighton," I replied.

"Okay. Dr. Leighton wil be with you shortly, Sophia. While you wait, you may take a seat," she said, gesturing to the waiting room filled with expecting mothers and children.

I smiled at the other women seated as I walked by and took a seat by the corner of the room. Jenna sat beside me.

"You didn't have to bring me, you know," I told her.

"I know, I wanted to. Who cares what my parents think, you're my best friend and I'm going to be there for you now matter what they say," she stated with a very serious smile on her face.

I smiled at her. I didn't know what I would do without her. Jenna was very bluntly telling her parents to screw off by being here with me today. After Jenna's parents found out I was pregnant they had told her that they didn't want her being my friend anymore, claiming I was a bad influence. Jenna didn't listen though and she has stuck by me anyway. Every time her parents find out about her continued support, she gets in trouble. I felt so guilty about it, but I didn't ask her to leave either. I was just thankful that she chose to stay.

The door to the doctors office opened. "Sophia?" the pretty nurse said.

Jenna and I stood and entered the office.

The nurse told us that Dr. Leighton was on her way while she set me up for my ultra-sound. Then she left. Dr. Leighton walked in about five minutes later.

"Hello, Sophia, how are we today?" she asked.

"Alright," I answered with a smile, one that didn't quite reach my eyes.

Dr. Leighton asked me questions about how my pregnancy had been since I last saw her, if I was taking my prenatal pills, etcetera, etcetera. After she was done asking me twenty questions, she lifted up my shirt and rubbed my stomach with cool blue gel.

"Getting a baby bump, aren't we?" she said with a smile.

I nod my head, but didn't smile. Since she had lifted my shirt and focused directly on my abdomen, she had seen what I saw everyday lately. A small, barely noticeable bump. Dr. Leighton started the ultra-sound and I automatically I heard my baby's familiar heartbeat. It was like the chirping bird again. Beautiful and melodic. I looked up at the screen and saw my oddly shaped child for the first time. Dr. Leighton spoke, but I wasn't pay attention.  I couldn't take my eyes off my baby. I smiled again, but this time it reached my eyes.

In those moments, everything felt right. It felt like nothing mattered besides my baby. I laughed. My little dinosaur. That's what it looked like; a dinosaur.

After the appointment was over and Dr. Leighton had given me the photos of my child, Jenna drove me home. For the first time in weeks, I was actually eager to go home. I was eager to share the pictures if my little dinosaur with my family.

When we pulled into my driveway, I hugged Jenna, thanked her again, and went inside. My whole family wss in the living room watching America's Funniest Home Videos. When they noticed I'd entered, they all at once asked me how my appointment went. I smiled and gave them the photos. They all cooed about how cute the baby was and I smiled, especially since the constant disappointed look in my mother's eyes was gone for the moment. What made my smile wider though, was when Johnny spoke.

"It looks like a dinosaur," he said with a funny look on his face.

Everyone laughed and I pulled Johnny into a bear hug. He giggled. My little brother couldn't have been more right than in that moment. Yes, I had a little dinosaur inside me. My little dinosaur.

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