Chapter Five: Unbelievable

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4 months, 1 week pregnant

It had been two months since I first met Jared, and I still couldn't seem to get him off my mind. What shocked me greatly and struck me as extremly strange was the fact that I wasn't all down and depressed when I thought about him. I smiled. A lot. I used to cry everyday, yet since meeting Jared, the image of his smiling face could make my day easier to live through.

Who was I kidding? Nothing was going to happen with Jared and me. He was a single male high school senior that was getting ready for his freedom. I, on the other hand, might have also been a senior, but instead of getting ready for freedom, I was preparing for a baby. Plus, I had only seen him once sine our encounter two months ago. He had been sitting in the library reading during lunch break when I had gone to renew a few books for a history project. I had avoided the cafeteria that day since my morning sickness was awful. Although he had been in the library at the same moment I was, we hadn't even spoken. On my way out of the library, I had walked right past him and he had looked up and smiled at me, winked, too. It might have been a epic moment for me, but I still hadn't had the courage to say 'hello'. Instead, I smiled back and walk out of the library.

Jared would never date a pregnant girl. Never. He was too gorgeous. Also, I highly doubted he wanted to get involved with a pregnant girl after just moving here. Something like that would ruin his reputation. I may be pretty, but I was not like most of the rich girls that I went to school with. The ones with fakes boobs and balloon lips - they were eye candy. I wasn't. At about 5'4" with light brown hair and blue-green eyes, I had never been anything more than simple. I had average lips, the bottom slightly larger than the top. I had long eyelashes and a normal nose. My hair fell to my shoulders in layers, but I had never had any of the "fabulous" hairstyles the rich girls had. The only thing guys had ever noticed about me were the size of my breasts. Actually, I think they had been Kyle's favorite part of my body.

So I guess you could say I was average. I had an hour glass shape and I looked like a typical high school senior. At least I had, but not anymore. Not since I got pregnant. Now I had a noticeable baby bump and my boobs seemed to swell from my chest. I didn't fit in my jeans anymore and I wore baggy clothes everyday because that was all that fit. I practically looked like a bum walking down the halls of Bailey High in my oversized t-shirts and sweatpants.

That was what I had been wearing today; a big light blue t-shirt with dark blue sweats and my white converse. Everyone stared at my stomach, even if you could'nt necessarily see anything. Everyone knew though, which meant everyone whispered. I wanted to cry, but I didn't. I couldn't let them see how much it hurt to be an outsider when only a few months ago I had been one of them. I was once popular. When I was dating Kyle, they had all loved me. Now they all looked at me like I was a disease and they didn't want to come within a five foot radius because they were afraid they'd catch the bug. I didn't know if I could make it through the last weeks of school.

Just then, a pretty brunette bumped into my shoulder. Hard. She glared at me. I looked at her with shock because I hadn't even know her. 'Danielle' her school ID read. I tried to walk past her, but she tripped me. She began to laugh as I landed on my side. A sharp pain shot through me. I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream.

A crowd of people surrounded me. They were all laughing. Some were yelling hurtful things.



"Dirty sk*nk."

Then came an all too familiar voice.

"STOP! MOVE! Leave her alone! Are you stupid?! Get out of my way!"

The voice broke through the crowd a moment lateer and I gasped when I saw his face, an expression filled with worry furrowing his eyebrows holding. Getting on his knees beside me, he took my small hands in his large ones and stood, pulling me to my feet with him.

"Are you okay, Sophia?" he asked with a small smile.

"No, my side hurts," I said as he pulled me through the pack of hyenas.

"Okay, let's go. I'll take you home. MOVE, YOU IDIOT!" he yelled in some kid's face when he tried to shove through us, laughing. The kid got so scared he looked like he might have peed his pants.

Jared lead me out the front doors and to what I had guessed was his car. He opened the passenger side door and told me to get in. I hadn't protested or complained, I just did as he said. He buckled my seat belt and made sure not to touch my sore side, but his arm did brush against my abdomen a few times. Shocks flew through my body. I didn't think I had ever felt like that when any guy had touched me before. He pulled away with a smile and left me wanting to jump him, which was kind of bad for me to be thinking in my position and all. I was pregnant with another man's child, I should not have been having sexual fantasies about anybody.

Jared gets in the drivers side, starts the car, and pulls out of the school parking lot. I can't believe I'm ditching school! I've never done this before, but it feels good. It feels right, like it was meant to happen today. I smile. I can't help it, being in Jared's presence just makes me feel good.

I looked over at him, still smiling. He smiled back. During the ride to my house, we talked about random things and he said he was sorry for what happened to me at school. I thanked him, but assured him it wasn't his fault. We pulled into my driveway and I got out of the car. Thanking him again, I closed the car door. I took out my keys and walk to the front door. No one was home. I put the key in the door and turned, feeling the door unlock, I reached for the knob.

"Sophia?" Jared called.

I turned around and saw Jared hanging out of his car door. He had a big smile on his face.

"Yeah?" I asked with a smile reaching from ear to ear.

"Would you, um, go out with me this Saturday? Like on a date?" he said with a shy smile.

My jaw dropped to the ground. Someone must have paid him to ask me. This had to be some kind of sick prank. I couldn't believe it.

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