Chapter Seven: Perfect

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4 months, 2 weeks pregnant

Jared would be here soon and I was still debating on what to wear. He was taking me someplace without food. We had discussed it; I didn't want to end up retching on my first date with a guy like Jared. I didn't want to get a strong wiff of something bad, like fish, and ruin our entire night.

"Hey, Soph?" Devon called, knocking on my door.

"Yeah?" I answered.

She came in, closed the door softly behind her, and leaned against it.

"Need help?" she asked.

I nodded and smiled. She walked over to my bed and took a look at the two outfits I had been debating over. Outfit one was a pair of faded flare jeans and a loose fitting red top. Outfit number two was a summer dress with a cute floral print that fell to my knees.

"This one," Devon said, picking up the summer dress. 

I smiled and took it, agreeing, and walked into my closet. After I closed the door behind me, I pulled the dress over my head and looked at myself in the mirror on my door. I looked nice and you could barely see my bump. I grabbed my white converse and walked back into my room. Sitting on my bed, I slipped my shoes on.

"I don't think this is a good idea Soph, you going on this date with this guy you barely know," Devon said, her rear perched on my desk.

"I know where you're coming from, Devon, but you only live once, right? He's a nice guy and he's helped me out twice already. He makes me feel good, you know? He doesn't treat me like I'm a sl*t like everyone else, including Kyle, does. He treats me like a human being, like a person should be treated. I just thought I'd give him a chance. I feel like this is something I won't regret. I have to have a few more adventures before the baby's here, right? I deserve at least a few adventures," I replied.

"Of course you do, I just don't want you to get hurt. You're my baby sister and right now you are extremely vulnerable. I just don't want a guy playing some evil joke by taking you on a date and then hurting you somehow," Devon said, sighing.

"I know, Devon, but for some weird reason, I think he's being sincere about this whole situation. He seems like he truly cares, like he really wants to take me out. I only have 5 months left till the baby's here. Why not take a few chances before my child becomes my number one focus? Don't get me wrong, he or she already is, but once they're here I can't actually test the waters on a date with Jared, you know?" I rambled.

"Jeez, Soph, I get it," she smiled. "Just be careful, okay?"

"Will do," I smiled back.

Devon wrapped me in a warm hug and rubbed my back, telling me how much she loved me. She was doing what mom always does. It was nice; it was home. I smiled wider.

Devon and I were sitting on my bed and she was finishing up my hair when the doorbell rang. My heart started to speed up and my palms got sweaty, but I still couldn't help smiling. Jared was here, and when Jared was around a smile seemed to be a permaniate fixture on my simple face.

Devon stood up, helped me off the bed, and gave me one of her big geniune smiles. She held my hand as we walked down the stairs. When we got to the front, door, her hand reached the door knob before mine did. She pulled it open and when her eyes landed on Jared's smiling face, her eyes bulged out of their sockets. I couldn't blame her; Jared looked amazing. He was wearing faded blue jeans, simple black converse, and a red t-shirt. Simple. Sweet. Perfect. His dirty blonde hair was tossled like he had been running his fingers through it repeatedly. His bright blue eyes were shining, his smile was as intoxicating as ever, and the scar on the side of his face made my insides warm. Why did this beautifully perfect guy have such an interest in me? Me, of all people? Was I really worth it? I sure hoped so because looking at Jared was one thing I hoped I would be able to do for a very long time. Looking at Jared took away the sadness.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," he said back.

"Hiya," Devon inquired, "I'm Sophia's older sister, Devon, it's nice to meet you."

Jared shook her outstrecthed hand, "I'm Jared. It's nice to meet you, too."

"So, what are your intentions with my pregnant little sister?" Devon asked, a smile still on her face. She was acting as though the question she had just asked was like asking someone to pass the peas at Thanksgiving dinner.

"My intentions with Sophia is to take her out on nice date tonight and get to know her better. Nothing more, nothing less," he answered.

"Alright, but watch yourself, bub. If you hurt her, your head will be put on a stick by yours truly and hit by baseball bats. Oh, and if you try anything frisky, your balls will be what ends up on the stick and beaten with the bats," Devon threatened nonchalantly.

"Devon! Oh my goodness. I'm sorry, Jared. Ignore her. Are you ready to go?" I urged, trying to shove him out the door.

He laughed. What a sound. A warm, rhytamic sound that was sweeter than any lullaby I had ever heard.

"No, it's okay. I understand. I have a little sister, too. And I'm ready if you are," he said.

"Alright, let's go," I scurried out the door.

"Bye, Dev! Love you," I yelled while rushing down the driveway, Jared close behind me.

He opened the door for me once I get to his car. Thanking him, I sat down in the passenger seat. He buckled me in like he had the other day. Jared closed my door and walked around the car. After getting in and starting the ignition, he turned up the country station on the radio and pulled down the driveway.

"I love country," I said.

My inquiry made Jared smile wide. He turned the radio up so loud that the car felt as though it was vibrating. I started to sing along to the song playing, as did Jared. This was perfect. Jared was perfect. We ended the song both screeching. Everything just felt so perfect.

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