Entry #5 The Perfect Man is an Oxymoron by Shaowei0Love

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Title: The Perfect Man is an Oxymoron

Author: Shaowei0Love

Upon first glance, the title caught my eye. It fits the story well too.

Many of the comments talk about how it's cliche. Let me just say, one, something I've learned is that everything has been done, it's only a mattter of how differently you do it. I don't think that the first chapter was cliche, but I feel that it kind of started leaning that way in the next few chapters.

The dialogue, and the characters themselves were really good. Each character seems to have their own real personality, wich is one of the best things for a story. There was a comment that I saw about the paragraphs being too long, but I disagree with it. There was only one place that I felt was too long; while talking about her mother's work, it might be better with a new paragraph after Steph tells her that her mother went into work, that one seemed a little run-on (but so was this paragraph right here). Anyways, I liked the paragraph sizes. Too often I see tiny paragraphs, and that bothers me, as do huge paragraphs. Your paragraphs didn't bother me though.

On a personal comment, may I say that LOOSING A PURSE IS HORRIBLE. Anyways, yeah.

I read 3.5 chapters. It was a good story, and if I was into the genre I most certainly would have read more. I would highly recommend it to people who like romance stories.

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