Chapter 10 - Tree Walking

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BEFORE THE BOYS can react, Sakura rushes forward and catches Akari, she adjusts Akari so her head is resting on her shoulder. Sakura looks back at Naruto and Sasuke. "Go get a futon set up for Akari, in mine and Akari's room."
Naruto and Sasuke just stand there, looking bewildered. Sakura narrows her eyes at them, radiating a dark aura. "HURRY UP" She shouted at them, shivering and snapping out of their trance, the run out of the room finding a futon for Akari.

Sakura bends down and puts one arm under Akari's legs and one below her head before hoisting her up and taking her to the spare bedroom for Sakura and Akari, Sakura grunts as she opens the door with her foot before closing it and walking to a wall and leaning on it while still holding Akari. 'What is taking those idiots so long?! Wait- did I just call Sasuke-Kun a idiot?' Sakura thought in shock, wondering why she called the guy who she used to practically worship the ground he walked on a idiot. Sakura gets startled by a familiar voice in her head.

'Well I wouldn't blame you, look at this girl in our arms! She's a total catch!' Inner Sakura said, swooning inside of her mind. 'Inner!? What the hell!? What about Sasuke?' Sakura thought, looking down at Akari. Her mother always thought it was wrong for Girls to date Girls, she thought that girls or women should stay at home and be the perfect housewife. But Sakura isn't like that, she dosen't want to stay home while the men do all the hard working jobs. She doesn't want to be seen as weak just because of her gender. So she defied her mother by going to Academy only to come across the guy who used to take over her mind 24/7, Sasuke Uchiha.

'Who cares about that emo?! He's only treated us like shit anyway! He thinks we are weak Outer!Every time we sparred in the academy with another girl he looked at us with so much disinterest, it was practically radiating off him! Akari looked at us as a worthy opponent, one with so much potential! She used to applaud us when we won when even our own best friend Ino wouldn't. She put her trust in us when we fought the Demon Brothers for fuck sake! Against Chunin Ninjas! She acknowledges out strength while that little emo duckbutt sits around waiting for power to walk into his bare hands not even acknowledging his team.' Inner Sakura bites back, sending Sakuras thoughts swirling, she made so many good points. How could she not notice this earlier? Sasuke was just hunting for power, he has no interest in love, he's already fallen into the Curse of Hatred.

'But mother dosen't agree with Women dating other Women, Inner. She thinks it's wrong and those people are going through phases'  Sakura said, looking dejected. It's not only her mother, her father just sits back and agrees. They put a lot of these horrible and taunting words in her head it gives her a headache. Her mother wants the perfect daughter for a perfect image, The Perfect Daughter who marries a rich man and becomes a housewife.

'Who cares what that old hag thinks?! She's gonna waste away in the kitchen for the rest of her life because of her so called "perfect image" while we are going to be a Badass Kunoichi who's going to help protect her village as-well as her teammates. Even if they do become stronger than us in the future, we are going to be a pillar for our team to lean on. We need the power to protect our family and friends. Even if your mother dosen't agree, then go for Akari anyway, if you like her then go for her. If you need time to figure out if you actually like girls or if you wanna see if she has feelings for you! Take your time!' Inner Sakura states. Sakura looks down at Akari, feeling conflicted. Before her eyes sharpened in determination.

'You're Right Inner. But let's focus on feelings later. We have to get stronger to protect not only our team but Akari, she's hurting I can tell. This mask she puts up will slowly crack. I can see it. She wants power as-well but she must have more than 1 reason. Yeah, killing her brother might be one like Sasuke (which hopefully we can help her get out of this Revenge Path) but I see the way she looks at the rest of Konoha 10, She thinks of them as family even though they don't talk a lot. Even Sasuke, when he insults her, hates her and curses her. She has a family to protect but who is going to protect her back when someone might stab it, it's going to be us, Inner. We are going to protect her even if she  is stronger. We are going to be her Pillar.' Sakura concludes. Looking down at Akari with a soft, but safe gaze.

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