Chapter 15 - Stealing Scrolls and Meeting Sand Nin

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Akari POV:

SOON AFTER SAKURA Goes to sleep, I wake up about 30 minutes later. I summon a shadow clone and replace myself with it. I walk over to my closet and grab a black mask like Kakashi's and put it on, casting a Genjutsu to make my stress lines disappear, changing my eye colour to brown, a scar through my right eye. Making my right eye white so I'm "blind" in one eye. Putting in a plain black headband and changing my hair colour to a brown colour. I change into some old Anbu gear. I grab my spare weapons pouch which has no Uchiha fan's on the weapons. Grab some scrolls before opening my window and jumping out. I jump from building to building until I make it to the Hokage Building. Placing a Genjutsu which makes me look invisible. I walk to the window of the Hokage's office. I look through it and see he is asleep but I sense 5 other chakra signatures hidden.

'Dammit' I curse in my mind. 'But knowing the Hokage he wouldn't place the Scroll in his office. Maybe the Hokage Library?' I thought before climbing down a level to the Hokage Library window. I look inside and sense no one so I slowly open the window and go in undetected. I look around. 'Knowing the Hokage, he probably has it hidden pretty well.. maybe a hidden door?' Walking over to the Sealing section of the books I start to analyse them. Seeing some books on Uzumaki sealing techniques I grab it and seal it in a scroll aswell as any other important sealing books. I replace them with some other books. I look and try to grab a book on standard sealing techniques but it's like it's stuck on the bookshelf. I yank it and the bookcase spins and hits me. 'That is not a fun secret door...' I thought.

Standing up and brushing off the dust I look up and see in the middle of the room a big scroll on a stand. I walk over and see it's the Scroll of Sealing..? 'Dang I could use this..' I thought. Looking through my scrolls I see a spare medium size scroll, nearly the same size as this one. I grab it and disguise it as the scroll of sealing before quickly switching them out. 'Yay I got the scroll of sealing.. now time to leave.' I thought before grabbing the same book, I dodge out of the way of the bookcase and managed to get out of the room just in time. I go back to the Hokage Library window and close it. 'Infiltration Success.' I thought, before walking over to an Abandoned training grounds. 'Good thing no one ever goes here.' I thought before going into a small clearing hidden by trees. I sit down and look at the scroll. Looking at the techniques I start to learn Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu. 'This is the Jutsu Naruto uses... guess he stole this too.' I thought in amusement.

After about 50 minutes I finally manage to do The Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu. Maximum amount of clones I can create is 100, not as many as Naruto but he's an Uzumaki he has way bigger chakra reserves as-well as the Kyuubi no Youku inside of him. Looking through I just see a bunch of Wood Jutsu and Strong Water Jutsu so I write down those In another scroll before finding something that catches my eye.  'Reanimation Jutsu? Apparently created by the Second Hokage.. huh I have an idea.' Writing down the handsigns and any info on it I need run back to the Hokage Library and put the scroll of sealing back. Before running back to the training grounds. Getting out a book of 'Uzumaki Legends.' I start to look through it. Seeing stuff about sealing I also see a name.

'Mito Uzumaki?' I thought before looking through that page. It explains how she is a Level 10 Seal Master and more. 'Holy shit I have a great idea, maybe a bit risky but I think it's great!' I thought before looking at the Reanimation Jutsu process. 'Reanimation Jutsu is a Jutsu that uses a corpse as a vessel to forcibly summon the dead back to life. It is seen as a taboo jutsu and is forbidden to use. This Jutsu was created by Tobirama Senju, the second Hokage. So I need dead bodies ?' I sweatdrop at the thought. 'To Konoha Cemetry!' I thought before running to the cemetery, stopping in front of the First Hokage's grave I start thinking. 'But am I sure this is a good idea..? I could be disturbing their rest.. I'll reanimate them and ask if they could train me, if not I'll just let them rest. It's their choice.' I thought before using a Earth Jutsu and going underground before Grabbing the First Hokage's body. 'God this is so creepy..'

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