Chapter 25 - Akari vs Naruto & Sasuke

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"I INTEND TO KILL YOU BOTH..!" I shouted at them. Sasuke's eyes widen in shock and this proclamation and Naruto grits his teeth with wide eyes. "I don't quite get it but.. You seem serious about kill us, Don't you.. Akari?" Naruto asks. We stare at each other in a tense silence, a leaf passes us. As-soon as it touches the ground, Naruto and Sasuke charged and I do the same. Me and Naruto meet in the middle, clashing as our hands join, pushing against eachother. Locked in an intense staring match as we read the emotions on each others faces.

Sasuke runs up behind Naruto and jumps over him, aiming a kick to my head. I lift up one hand and block it, Giving Naruto an opening to punch me in the face. I fly back and skid across the water. I look up and see Naruto using his clones to charge a rasengan. I weave through hand signs and activate my sharingan.

Sasuke's eyes widen at the familiar hand signs. The familiar  sound of a thousand birds fills the area. "I said this before, but even you were waiting very anxiously for this, right?! I won't stop this time and Kakashi and Sakura aren't here to interfere! THERE WONT BE ANYONE TO STOP THINGS LIKE LAST TIME!" I smirk. Naruto looks at me with a glare and Sasuke looks angry. "I'll say it once more, I will kill you both!"

"Bastard... I'll beat you back to your old self!" Naruto declared. His clones throw him towards me as we both charge at each other. The closer we get the more anger I can see in Naruto's eyes. I thrust the hand holding Chidori towards Naruto as he does the same with his Rasengan. The attacks clash together and a giant explosion goes off. But we don't falter, pushing the attacks closer to each other as we try to overpower the other. Another explosion goes off, sending us flying away from each-other. I sink in the water. I see Sasuke jump, running towards me so I swim up and kneel on the water, panting.

I slowly stand as Sasuke gets closer. His sharingan activated. We engage in a Taijutsu battle. "What makes you think you can bring me back, huh?" I ask him in curiosity as I throw a punch, he blocks it. "I don't think I can bring you back, I know we can. Don't fall into this path of darkness Akari. Where's the Akari who would always keep Team 7 in check, the one who would keep me company after the Massacre, even when I was pushing you away. You were always their for me and I made that mistake because I didn't realise how painful it would be for you to leave me! I want my cousin back! You were and still are like a Sister to me Akari! So don't take the wrong path!" He declared.

My face doesn't show any emotions but on the inside, I'm shocked. "This is the path I will take Sasuke, who are you to decide if this path is wrong or right." 'I have to knock out Sasuke, he is just a nuisance to my escape. I didn't know he would tag along too..' I kick him in the stomach, with a chakra infused kick, watching him fly into madara's arm. Unconscious. I wince internally. 'Oops.' I turn my head to see Naruto rising from the water. I see tears fall from his eyes.

I activate the curse mark, smirking. "Did you know Naruto.. that if both you and your opponent are First-Class ninjas, You can only read inside each others minds when your fists meet.. There is no need for words. You're Naive, aren't you, Naruto?" I laugh. "Can you read the true mind? My mind!" My hands flash through hand signs. I breath in. "Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" I said, blowing out fire from my mouth. Only this time due to the curse mark, the fire is larger than normal.

Naruto jumps up to dodge but I speed behind him and send a kick to his face. He flies towards the water again, he skids on the water. Panting. I land behind Naruto and he spins around, I grab him by the collar of his jacket and hold him up, I activate Chidori in my left hand. "ITS TO LATE NOW!! NARUTO!" I shouted, swinging my arm containing chidori towards him, the curse mark taking control of my actions. My mind was screaming to kill him. My heart was screaming to spare him and don't give in to the curse mark. The conflict makes me miss his heart, striking his shoulder, making my hand go through his right lung. My eyes widen and I quickly pull out my hand from his body.

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