Chapter 12 - Midnight Trainings.

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Akari POV:

WAKING UP AT MIDNIGHT with a strange feeling in my stomach, it feels like some sort of energy trying to break free. Some sort of force waiting to be used. I slowly rose out of Sakura's futon and replacing myself with a pillow. I watched as Sakura clutched into it. I smile. I walk over to my bag and pick out my Spare undershirt and pick up my (Itachis) Anbu armour and start getting dressed. I grab my Kunai pouch and strap in to my right leg.

I walk out my room with my hands behind my head tying up my hair in a low ponytail. Keeping my footsteps silent, I send chakra through the ground by my feet and check if everyone in the house is asleep. Everyone's chakra signal is calm and stilled so they are asleep. Walking downstairs avoiding every creak of the old wooden stairs. I make it to the door and open it. I walk out and close it, I start walking to the woods. It's like this force is pulling me towards the woods. I follow the feeling and make it into a clearing.

The feeling started growing more, I sit down and meditate to see what's going on. After meditating for about 2 minutes I open my eyes to my mind scape. Inside my mind scape I go over to my Chakra pool. Arriving at that area I see...

Wood.. Growing..? Is this some sort of Genjutsu or something? Walking over to the wood I start to inspect it. Brushing my hand across the wood I see something engraved into the wood.

木遁 (Mokuton) (A/n: Which means Wood Style.)

What...? Mokuton? Don't tell me I have Wood style? Looking back at my Chakra pool I release how big it is
'What the hell? I don't remember having this much Chakra..' Walking over to the other end of the chakra pool which takes about 30 minutes because of how big it is. I walk over and from this end I see half of my Chakra has a wall from the other half. Walking a step, my foot steps on something sounding like paper I look down and see a seal tag, a bit bigger than the average seal tag. I look down and see the what's written on it.

 'It's a Chakra seal' I analysed before lifting up my hand

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'It's a Chakra seal' I analysed before lifting up my hand. I grab the chakra seal and rip it off. The wall starts to crack and it collapses. I feel energy consuming my body before I wake up from my meditation. I look around me and see trees have started to grow from out the ground. Suddenly a flash of memory goes by, but it's not my memory. It's like it's someone else's memory. 'An ancestor memory' I thought, looking at the memory I see hand signs.

Snake, Ram, Hare, Dog.

Memorising them I see a Giant wood dragon, charging at the Kyuubi? Also why is Madara Uchiha on the Kyuubi?

Memorising them I see a Giant wood dragon, charging at the Kyuubi? Also why is Madara Uchiha on the Kyuubi?

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Concluding this was the Final battle between Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju. The Memory stops and I'm back in reality. Remembering the hand signs I start moving my hands, Snake, Ram, Hare, Dog. "Wood Style: Wood Dragon Jutsu!" I shouted, Watching as a Wood Dragon rises up from the ground. It's not as big as Hashiramas but with a bit more training, it could be. I smirk. 'Time to train my ass off' I thought. Going through the hand signs again. Snake, Ram, Hare, Dog. "Wood Style: Wood Dragon Jutsu." I shouted. Watching as the dragon rises.

Running up the Dragon I start to control it. I stand on the Dragons head and control it to fly over the forest. I smile as I watch as I fly past the forest looking at the stars. I sigh and control the dragon back to the clearing and start training for hours on end, with no breaks. (Fun fact: As descendants of the Ōtsutsuki Clan, the Senju Clan were gifted with tremendously strong chakra and chakra reserves having inherited Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki's "body". As such they could fight for hours without suffering chakra exhaustion or even longer as Hashirama and Tobirama have demonstrated. So Akari wouldn't suffer chakra exhaustion training all night.)

Stopping using Wood Style after about 6 hours with the minimum of 2, 15 minute breaks. I start walking back to the house. Only having about under half or less of my Chakra left, I make it inside and take off my Shinobi gear and walk to the bathroom and lock the door. I have a shower as it's about 6am. Everyone will be waking up soon. So to buy time, I have a shower. Get dressed into a new undershirt and shinobi pants and change the bandages on my shoulder aswell as the ones on my Shinobi pants. I leave the armour off for now. And put my gloves in my pocket. Putting on my Konoha headband, I decided to write a note to Sakura.

I woke up early, sorry if I'm not next to you. - Akari.
Putting it on the pillow Sakura is clutching on to, I decided to go to the town and buy some groceries. Deciding to make Miso ramen for breakfast I grab the right ingredients, paying the near homeless shopkeepers extra money cause I feel bad. Giving some fruits to some kids and make it back to the house. Re-tying my hair up and putting in the only apron I can find which is conveniently pink. I start making the Ramen. After about 30 minutes I can sense everyone waking up, so I plate all the Ramen in bowls and set them down on the table with some chopsticks.
'Praying everyone likes ramen right now.'

Everyone comes down as I am holding a ramen bowl and set it down on the last space left at the table. I look up at everyone seeing them shocked. "Morning, I made some Ramen. I hope you like Ramen, if not I can make something else?" I said, nervous on what they think. Naruto is the first to do something. He runs over to me and traps me in a bear hug. "Thanks for the Ramen Akari-ttebayo!" Naruto shouted. That snaps everyone out of the trance. Kakashi snickers and I look at him confused. "Nice apron you got there, Akari." Kakashi laughs. I look down at my apron, my face burns red in embarrassment remembering it's a pink one.

I quickly take it off and give it to Tsunami who's suppressing a smile behind her hand. Tazuna and Kakashi are full out laughing, Sasuke is suppressing his laugh but I can see his shoulders shaking. Sakura is giggling, Naruto dosen't care he just wants ramen. Inari has a small smile on his face but wipes it off before anyone notices. "Thanks for making breakfast Akari, now let's eat," Tsunami (Tazuna's daughter) smiles at me. I nod and we all sit down.
"Itadakimasu" We all said, before picking up the chopsticks. Waiting for everyone's reaction as they take a bite. I see them all freeze.

'Is my cooking bad? Did they not like it?! Oh no' I thought. "H-hey do you guys not like it why are you frozen?" I said. Before Naruto and Sakura gain literal sparkles in their eyes. "WOW AKARI THIS IS AMAZING!" "YEAH AKARI THIS IS NEARLY AS GOOD AS ICHIRAKU RAMEN, DATTEBAYO!" Everyone nods in agreement, compilmenting me, and I my face flushes red at the compliments and I hide my face behind my hand and groan. They chuckle at my red face and tease me about it. This morning was full of laughing, teasing, bickering. Overall a good morning.

'How I wish I could freeze time and keep this happiness.'
I smile softly at everyone.


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Akari is really just a softie.

1327 words! Woop

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