Chapter 23 - Back to Konoha.

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Akari POV:

WAKING UP IN A HOTEL room. I tense and look around curiously. 'Who brought me here?' I looked around for anyone, only to find no one. I look outside the window. Seeing we are in the same town. I relax slightly. I look next to me and see my stuff. 'Jiraiya or Naruto must have been here.' I thought, humming. I get out of the bed and stretch. I go to my bag and grab some clothes. I get washed and dressed. I have a shower, brush my teeth, fix my hair and put on my Hitai-ate.

'I wonder how Sakura is doing, I feel bad leaving her after whats happened... I don't know why I came along on this trip.' Guilt fills me as I finish putting on my Anbu armour. 'Two things were alright, I got to meet a relative and learn Rasengan.' I look at my stuff, I stare at it. I make a decision and start packing my stuff. 'Ill go back to Konoha, but I'll take a detour just before I go.' I decide, finishing packing my items.

I shrug on my backpack and walk to the window. I open it and jump out. I look at the sky. 'Its night, meaning that Jiraiya is out training Naruto.' I hum before henging into a middle age woman with red hair and brown eyes. I walk into the bar and walk over to a group of gamblers. 'Might aswell make some money for my trip.' I thought. I spent the next 5 hours, gambling away. Making a lot of money, shocking the small crowd of people who has circled us, watching the intense games.

I look out the doors of the pub, seeing the sun starting to rise, I grab all my money. "Thank you for the money, gentlemen." I said, winking and walking out the pub. Dispersing the henge. I walk towards the towns' entrance/exit. I look around for any sign of Naruto and Jiraiya. 'Should I have left a note..?' I thought, glancing back at the hotel. 'No, Jiraiya has a spy network. He will probably find me later on.' I shake my head.

I exit the town. Walking in the forest to the direction of Konoha. I look down at the palm of my hand. Building up chakra , a swirling ball of chakra appears in my hand. 'Rasengan is a cool move, As-well as Chidori. But it cant be combined. But what if I made a elemental Rasengan?-'  My thoughts are cut off by my body exploding in pain. The Rasengan disappears as I grunt and fall to my knees. I clutch my shoulder.

'The curse mark is burning. Orochimaru is here.' I thought, looking around trying to sense the man. I feel the wind shift behind me and jump away as A snake jumps at me. I kick it away and look up at the sound of chuckling. "Orochimaru." I  said, confusion and pain coating my voice as my body slightly shakes at the pain of the curse mark. He chuckles. "Akari. Why don't we have a chat?" He asked, with a smile. But I could see he had bad intentions. I narrow my eyes but accepted, knowing it would be dangerous to fight so close to the town.

"I want you to join me." He said. I narrow my eyes. "And what makes you think I would join you? You attacked my friends? Tried to destroy the village. Killed the Kazekage. Killed the Third Hokage. And you want me to join you?" I asked with venom in my voice. He shrugs. "Pretty much yeah." He said. I sweatdrop.  "But if you join me, I will make you powerful, more powerful them you ever were." He said, with a menacing smile on his face. I click my tongue.

"As 'tempting' as your offer sounds. Im going have to decline. I wont abandon the village because I have friends here who I want to protect." I narrow my eyes as a glint of mischief enters his eyes. "How about this Akari, if you join me... I wont kill your friends. Or that little girlfriend of yours... what's her name again? Sakura Haruno?" He said, my body freezes as my eyes go wide from shock. He smirks at me. "Y-you wouldn't..." I said, rage coating my words. He laughs. "Oh but I would! And it would be all your fault because you failed to protect them!" He said in glee.

"Tell me something." He looks at me curiously. I narrow my eyes at him. "If I didn't have the curse mark, if I didn't jump in the way, if Sasuke got the curse mark.. Would you have threatened him too?" I asked, looking down. He looks at me before closing his eyes. "I wouldn't have threatened Sasuke." My head snaps up at his answer. "Because we both know, he would have joined me anyway." He said, without a hint of madness or sadistic glee in his voice. "Hes hungry for power, Akari."

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