Chapter 18 - Chunin Exams Part 3

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Akari POV:

WAKING UP IN A DARK AREA. I look around in confusion, I start walking around until I notice something. It's me, but when I was 7 years old. I'm staring at the bodies of my parents, tears rolling down my face. I narrow my eyes. 'This is too suspicious, especially after Orochimaru bit me, I'm guessing he tried to give Sasuke the curse mark but I got in the way, making him give it to me. This must be to make his victims succumb to his will, but I won't let that happen. No matter what he throws at me I'm Loyal to Konoha.' I thought, I glance around discreetly and notice a snake. 'So he's watching, I'll be suspicious if I know what's happening, I'm going to have to play along' I analysed.

Noticing the younger me look up at me, I stare at me?... her.? I'm going with her. I stare at her as she looks at me with a angry face. I widen my eyes in fake shock and confusion. "You couldn't save them, you are too weak." She said. I grit my teeth 'damn you Orochimaru..' I thought. "If only you had the power to save them, you could've saved them.. THEY COULD BE ALIVE RIGHT NOW.. BUT YOU WERE TOO WEAK! YOU WERE ALWAYS USELESS! YOU DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO STOP SHISUI!" My Younger self shouted at me with menace. Forcing tears to come to my eyes as I take a step back. "W-what no! I tried to! I am training to be stronger to kill that man! I TRIED, I TRIED! BUT HE STILL GOT THEM OKAY?!" I said, bringing myself to my knees, and punch the ground in 'anger'. I smirk slightly, unnoticed. 'Seems like that snake is falling for it.' I thought, glancing at the snake.

My younger self comes over and places a hand on my shoulder. "Accept the Power. With this power you can kill Shisui." She said. 'Time for a world of pain, I'll have to seal it after this...' I thought. I nod at my younger self. A wave of pain washes over me, feeling like 100 kunai's being stabbed into me. I grit my teeth but don't scream. 'I can't show weakness to the snake.' I pass out in the dark space and I wake up, seeing a cave roof above me, I feel a insane amount of power wash over me. 'This isn't too bad.. but I won't use it too much. I'll seal it so I can use it on command without going berserk.. hopefully Mito-nee can help with that." I thought. I look out of the cave, rising with a dark purple aura around me. I look up with my sharingan activated and see Sakura is injured, and her hair is cut. I see craters and Rock Lee unconscious on the sidelines.

I grit my teeth in anger. 'HOW DARE THEY TOUCH SAKURA.. HOW DARE THEY TOUCH MY FRIENDS!' I thought, enraged. "Akari! You're awake!" She said with a smile before seeing the purple aura around me, she looks on with wide eyes. "Sakura..." I started as black flame marks spread on my body like tattoos. "Who did this to you...?" I said in a soft, caring but stern voice. "Akari..." she said. "Who did it..?" I said, slowly lifting my head a bit higher. "It was us." I heard someone say. My eyes snap over to him and narrow in anger. "Akari... your body.." Sakura said, concerned. "Don't worry, I won't be using this for long. I can feel the power growing inside of me. There is nothing to worry about." I said.

I snap my head towards the direction of the guy who hurt Sakura. "So... it was you." I said, gritting my teeth in anger. I hear Shikamaru shout something to the sound-nin girl. "INO IF YOU STAY IN THAT FORM YOU WILL GET KILLED. GET BACK TO YOUR BODY." I look over at Ino's Body and see it's unconscious. 'Ino must have taken over the sound nin.' I thought before seeing the guy who hurt Sakura take out a Kunai and aim it for the Sound-nin's head. 'That will kill Ino as well!' I thought in anger before speeding in front of the sound-nin, grabbing the Kunai just before it could hit the girl. "Oi..." I started.

"What do you think you are doing, trying to kill my friends...?!" I said with so much venom in my voice. I see Ino made it back to her Body. "Ino.. are you okay now?" I said. She nods in gratitude. I notice the sound-nin who hurt Sakura starts charging a Jutsu towards me. I grab the sound-nin girl and throw her towards the guy in bandages, so she isn't in the line of fire. He catches her as the guy finishes charging his attack, he aims towards me. "Snap out of it Dosu! Just because she refuses to die..." he said. His team-mates, Dosu, eyes widen. "ZAKU NO!! DONT YOU GET IT?!" He shouted. His teammate Zaku releases the attack. "SUPERSONIC AIR-SLICE!" Zaku shouted. Just before it could hit me, I run out of the way, making it seem like I teleported.

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