Chapter 24 - Why..?

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"Sakura.." I said, staring at her. We get lost in each others eyes, her eyes spark with an emotion I can't decipher. I want to protect her, to keep her eyes as bright as they are. To shield her from the horrors of our world, to keep the spark in her eyes. The thought of having to go to Orochimaru makes me frown, thinking about how I have to abandon my friends, my new family and her... I don't want to leave her..

I don't want to live with the amount of guilt that will fall upon me. The thought of betraying everyone I've grown close bonds to.. I could've helped rebuilt the Uchiha Police Force with Sasuke by recruiting members, Have ramen eating contests with Naruto, have fun hangouts with Sakura and mess around with Ino. Hell I'll even miss Kakashi, he is a bad teacher but I know he would be a great friend if he gets his head out of his book. My eyes water but I don't let any tears fall. I clutch onto Sakura and she collapses onto me, her head on my shoulder.

She lets out a little 'oof' as she falls. I clutch onto her for dear life, scared she could disappear at any moment. 'I.. don't want to go...' my heart beats loudly in my chest. "Sakura... let's go to sleep." She nods into my neck and I switch off the lamp in the room. It goes dark. "Akari.." I heard Sakura's quiet voice echo in the room. I hum in acknowledgement. "Whatever happens.... Please don't leave me.." She said and my body tenses. 'Does she know? She can't have known because Orochimaru's plan would have failed. She's probably scared to be alone again..' My eyes soften. "You won't be alone... You have Team 7 and our friends. I'll be here for you all the way..." I said, she holds me tighter. "Promise...?" I grit my teeth. Knowing I can't promise anything, but I have to reassure her.


~~~~~~~TIMESKIP: 1 week, 6 days and 23 hours and 50 minutes.~~~~~~~

10 minutes until I have to meet Orochimaru's henchmen. I glance at Sakura sleeping on the bed as I pack my stuff. I grab my photo of Team 7. I sigh sadly staring at it. 'I'm going to miss them, but it's to protect them so it's for the best.' I thought, gritting my teeth and carefully putting the photo in my bag. I take one last look at Sakura before closing the bedroom door. As I'm walking to the front door of the apartment, I knock over a plant. I quickly catch it before it drops before placing it down with a small thud. I check to see if the bedroom door moves but after a second, it doesn't.

I sigh in relief and leave the apartment carefully. Shutting the door behind me. I walk out of the building, admiring Konoha one last time. It's too bad really, I could've become a Chunin and Rebuild the Police Force. But I have to do this, I will not only get stronger but my close ones will not die. My plan is to get stronger, to protect my loved ones, Kill Orochimaru and find out the truth about the Massacre... I walk past Naruto's apartment. I sigh and jump up to his window, attaching myself to the wall. I look inside and see he's asleep, snoring with ramen cups everywhere. I send a clone to quickly clean up his apartment.

I sigh and jump down as my clone finishes cleaning his apartment. I'd feel bad if I left without doing something for him. Orochimaru's henchmen should arrive at the gate in 5 minutes. I continue to walk until someone walks out in front of me. I stop in surprise. Sakura stands there looking at my bag, confused. "What are you doing out here in the middle of the night.. Sakura?" I ask her. She looks down. "Everyone who leaves will have to pass through this road... It's always the road over here.." She said, her eyes looking dimmer. "You should go back to bed, Sakura.." I said, going to walk past her.

She holds an arm out, stopping me. "Do you still remember.. When we first became Genins.. the day four of us formed a group together... a bond. The first time I talked to you, we were fighting.." she said, a tear falling down her cheek, a sad chuckle following with it. "I remember all five of us, Me, You, Kakashi-Sensei, Sasuke and Naruto would complete many missions. Sasuke and Naruto would always get in a fight and we'd be there to stop it. It was tiring and difficult. But more than anything... it made me happy." She finishes. I look down and grit my teeth.

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