Chaper 17 - Chunin Exams Part 2

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Akari POV:

Ibiki Morino all told us we are doing a written test. Naruto practically freaked out and Sakura and Sasuke look absolutely horrified, turning their gaze to Naruto. I laugh before patting Hinata's head. Gesturing I'll be going over to my team, she nodded with a smile and I walk to my team. I come up behind Naruto and put a arm around his shoulder. "Come on Team, let's have some faith in Naruto, after all he's our future Hokage." I said, the other two calm down a bit and Naruto looks up at me, I give him a wink. "Team, I have a plan." I said.

They nod and I gesture them all to come closer. "Sakura, Henge as Naruto, Sasuke, Henge as Me. I'll henge as Sakura and Naruto, you will henge as Sasuke. When we finish the test, write the persons name you are henged as at the top. I'll place an Genjutsu to hopefully keep me undetected from the Chunin. I'll answer Naruto's answers as quickly as I can. This is so we can trick the other Genins as-well as Chunin." whisper. They nod. "Alright I'll place a Genjutsu so we can Henge without anyone noticing." I whisper. They nod and I count down from 3 with my fingers. When I get to 1 I nod at them and we all Henge.

~~~Timeskip: Everyone has been sat down and we are 5 minutes into the exam.~~~

I am about to finish question 9 when I feel a faint, pull at the back of my head before my vision goes black. I wake up in my mind scape seeing Ino. "What are you doing here?" I ask her, she looks back shocked. "Akari? I thought this was Sakura... How are you in your mind scape? That's impossible." She said, I narrow my eyes at her. "If I were you, Ino Yamanaka. I would leave my mind space." I said, reaching back for my Katana. She shakes her head. I start to unsheath my Katana and she looks frightened, I start to run at her, but I see her disappear just before I can reach her.

I sigh before forcing myself awake. I look back at her with narrow eyes and a small smirk and her eyes are wide, staring at the back of my head. I wink at her before placing a Genjutsu, making me look like I'm writing. But actually, I'm walking over to 'Sasuke' (which is actually Naruto) and quickly write down all the correct answers before going back to my seat. I dispose of the Genjutsu and rest my face in my hand. I see Ibiki narrow his eyes at me. I gave him a teasing smile before putting my head on my arms and falling asleep.


Feeling the air shift, and feeling something coming towards me, I lift up my hand and catch it in between my two fingers. I look up and see Ibiki glaring at me. "Given up have you Pinky?" Ibiki said. I narrow my eyes at him. "Grew any hair yet Baldy?" I retort, I hear some snickers from the other Chunin and see 'Naruto' looking at me with a strained smile and twitching eye. "For your information, egg head I finished." I said to Ibiki. He just sighs in irritation, snatching my test and looking through it. I see him widen his eyes slightly before placing down my paper, his face neutral.

~~~Timeskip: Ibiki says the Tenth Question. I sent Sakura a look, telling her to act like Naruto. 'Naruto' declares he dosent back down and he's gonna be Hokage. The actual Naruto looked at her shocked.~~~

Seeing something fly at the window, I watch as a person literally flies through the window, and pins a banner on the roof. 'Anko Mitarashi' I thought, ducking down when a piece of glass goes flying for my head. I sweatdrop and look back at Ino. Seeing she just avoided the piece of glass. "You good Ino-pig?" I said, keeping up my 'Sakura' Act. She looked at me with a irk mark. "Shut up 'billboard brow' I'm fine." I grow a irk mark. "Whatever" I said, turning around facing Anko. She goes on about how she is the Second Examiner. And we have to follow her. I sigh as everyone who passed gets up. I gather up my teammates and we all drop the Henge. I smirk. "Good job guys." I said. Sasuke smirks, Sasuke smiles and Naruto grins.

We arrive at a forest with a gate surrounding it. The trees are ATLEAST 100 feet tall, what the hell... I snap out of my thoughts when Anko speaks. "Alright Gaki's (brats) Welcome to Training Ground 44, also known at The Forest of Death." She said, with a manic grin. Naruto snickers before mocking her. "wElCoMe tO tRaInGiNg gRoUnD 44 aLsO kNoWn aS tHe ForEsT oF deAth" He does a weird little dance while doing this, I smile slightly. Anko throws a Kunai which grazes his cheek, making blood leak out of it. She shushins behind him a places a Kunai to his neck. "Gaki's like you are always the first to die." She said in his ear. Before she spins around quickly, holding a Kunai to someone else's neck, they have a really long tongue which is holding out the Kunai for Anko to take.

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