Part 38

199 13 15





And emotionally


Sighing I sat up from my queen sized bed and rested my head against the plush grey headboard. I didn't get in until early hours of the morning because I refused to leave. The only reason why I did leave is because they threatened to ban me, otherwise I would've still been up in that bitch.

Hearing my phone ding I picked it up tiredly.

Amour green
Today 9:47

Hey are we still on for today xx

Yh I guess, where you tryna meet

Nando's valley park 6pm?

Read  9:49

I really wasn't in the mood to be up in amours face especially after what happened yesterday. But her non stop texts and calls were really starting to piss me off, so I said fuck it. Turning over I went back to sleep for a couple more hours since we wasn't linking till later.


Getting out of the cab I thanked him and walked into the restaurant. The smell of grilled chicken instantly had my belly rumbling.I spotted amour and walked over to the booth sitting opposite her.

"Hey" she smiled. Removing my Chanel sunglasses muni bought me I stared a her blankly. Amour was drop dead gorgeous and there was no denying it. Her curly hair which was now straight flowed down her back holding loose wand curls. Her eyebrows were freshly threaded and her eyes held a set of Russian minks accentuating its shape. Her light freckles were on full display meaning she had no makeup on, not that she needed it anyways. I couldn't see what she was wearing properly but it seemed like a Nike tech.

" you look pretty" she said as I looked away from her realising I was staring too much.

" you do too" I said with a small smile. Even though she did me the way she did part of me still had love for her, and I didn't even realise it till now.

"Nu I didn't mean to do it" she cried  out of nowhere catching me off guard.


" amour stop crying man people are looking" I said as she wiped her eyes.

" I was so so so drunk and she kept a-asking me questions and just saying things to get in my h-head and it worked and I'm sorry I really am and I regret it s-so much and-"

" amour slow down and breathe man" I said concerned as she started to hyperventilate. Getting out of my side of the booth I slid over to her side. Grabbing a napkin I wiped her tears and gave her a hug which made her cry harder.

After a couple minutes she pulled back and wiped her face.

" you wanna come to mines I don't think I can stay here" she sniffled.

"Amour I swear if you try any funny shit I'll mash you up fr. Your belly might be pregnant but your face ain't" I said in all seriousness as her eyes widened by my harsh words.

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