Part 16

602 45 22

(Same day)


Getting off of the 466 I walked through Croydon town centre as I processed what had happened at colly. I wanted to be done with him but he had me under a fucking spell. This is why I hated catching feelings because I was no longer in control of my emotions. Rolling my eyes I made my way to West Croydon bus station so I could go home.

(The memories from that place🤧, if you're from Croydon you'll know about this legendary bus stop)

On my way I saw the McDonald's and decided to go in as I was hungry and my hands were starting to hurt from the crutches. Walking in I stood in line as I decided what I wanted to get off of the savers menu.

Yes I said the savers menu....

Going for my usual I ordered a Mayo chicken with chips and a sprite. Standing to the side I waited for my food and saw as someone approached me from my peripheral view. Turing I realised it was that boy from college.

" what you saying" he said as he gave me a side hug.

"Nun much just waiting for my food" I said as he looked down at me. He was quite handsome......but he wasn't muni.

"I'm not gonna lie I kinda forgot your name" I said causing him to chuckle revealing his silver caps.

"It's Micah still" he said jogging my memory.

"That's it, I knew it started with an m" I said smiling at him. Hearing my order being called I went up to get it but was stopped by his hand.

"I'll take it for you" he said as I thanked him. Walking over to an empty table we sat down and I took my food from his hands.

" how comes you're by yourself" he asked curiously as he sat back in his chair

"I don't have friends" I said putting a chip in my mouth causing him to laugh but he stopped when he realised I was serious.

" oh you're being serious" he said as I nodded

" well we can be friends if you want" he said stealing one of my chips as he gave me his phone so I could add my snap.

" I guess" I said smiling handing it back to him. We talked for a bit but after a while I noticed him staring at somebody behind me making me turn around as I locked eyes with a scary looking black boy. He had his hood up but that didn't hide the fact that he had a blatant scar running down the side of his cheek. Walking up to our table I gulped as I felt his presence behind me.

"What you saying bro I thought it was you" Micah said to him as they spudded.

"Nun Just came back from cunch, handling business as usaul" he said staring at me with a weird look on his face which Micah seemed to catch on to.

"Did you man do a ting or sumn" he said causing the boy to screw up his face

" not even she just looks bare farmiliar" he said squinting his eyes at me.

Feeling uncomfortable I got up saying bye to Micah and quickly grabbed my crutches walking out. He was giving off bad vibes and my gut was telling me something bad was about to happen. Finally at the bus stop I checked my bus times and it wasn't for another 7 minutes causing me to sigh. Looking around I noticed the same boy from McDonald's and he was now with a group of boys which made me nervous.Locking eyes with him he smirked and started walking closer to me causing my heart to drop. Seeing him getting closer I quickly jumped up and hopped onto the first bus I saw as I panicked. Seeing as I was on crutches I couldn't go upstairs so I opted for the corner seat downstairs. Just as the bus was about to pull off I heard banging on the window causing my heart rate to speed up.

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