Chapter thirteen: Trust.

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It's been two months since she got her sleeping schedule fucked up, but it's fixed, and she's been hanging out in Snowdin and waterfall a bit more often and she'd sometimes she'd visit Alphys and watch some anime.

Flowey didn't really like this, he wanted to be around her, but he was the one who refuses to come.

Today she decided to stay home, she wanted to read a book she took from the library in Snowdin.

"Hey." Flowey said, catching Lira's attention. "Yes Flowey?" She asked. "I...I want to tell you something.." Flowey muttered.

Lira sat up, looking intently at Flowey. "Yeah?", "I..." He trailed off. "Never mind." He said, looking away.

Lira smiled, picking up his pot, and placing it in her lap. "That's alright." She told him, gently petting his golden petals, he leaned into the touch like a cat.

He hummed, closing his eyes and enjoying being petted. Then Lira stopped, he opened his eyes looking at Lira, confused.

Lira laughed, making him more confused. "You're like a cat!" She told him. "A what?" He asked before remembering something.

"I am not a cat!" He hissed, making Lira laugh more.

"What do you mean, 'Not a cat'?" She asked. "Cat's act like they don't care and are independent but they are clingy to those they like, and they hiss."

"I-" Flowey cut himself off, huffing in annoyance, Lira decided to change the topic. Talking about him acting like a cat seemed to be pissing him off.

"Your petals are soft." Lira told him as she continued to pet him, he allowed it, mumbled something, but Lira couldn't understand what he said.

Lira smiled. "Hey Flowey?"

Flowey hummed in response. "It might be stupid of me, but I considered you a friend ever since you didn't kill me." Lira told him, Flowey paused, looking up at her.

"...Actually you're my first friend. Weird right? A thirteen year old girl who has no friends and...." She trailed off, memories of before she fell flashing through her mind.

Flowey let out an airy chuckle.

"You're my second." Flowey told her, seeming to be at peace. "What's wrong?" He asked when he noticed Lira's expression.

"N-nothing, just remembering how life was back on the surface..." Lira answered, A fake smile naturally making it's way to her face. Flowey frowned.

"What is the surface like?" Flowey asked. He's already seen the surface, sure. But he doesn't know what it's like now.

"W-well... The surface is actually nice... The humans? Not so much..." Lira told him. "The humans are... They're cruel, selfish, greedy... M-my caretaker actually just used me to get money and h-hurt me when I did something wrong.."

Flowey stared at Lira, an angered expression soon appearing on his face. "I don't really have a reason to go back..." Lira continued, not noticing his angered expression.

Flowey let out a sigh. "I've been on the surface once.." Flowey told her. "My friend wanted to see their favorite flower in their home village, so I brought them there... When the humans saw me, they thought I was dangerous, so they immediately attacked."

"My friend wanted to fight, to kill them. But I didn't listen, I let them attack me, they almost killed me.. But I escaped." Flowey mumbled.

"Actually, who is your friend? And where are they now?" Lira asked. "They're... They're dead." Flowey answered. "Oh... I'm sorry for your loss..."

Lira gave Flowey a kiss on the forehead, he flinched away, his face turning bright red before relaxing again.


The two sat in silence, Lira continued to pet Floweys soft golden petals.

The moment was pleasant.

It felt nice to tell someone about your past experiences.

It was nice to have someone you could Trust.


SAVE - Asriel/Flowey X OC (Lira) - BOOK ONE.Where stories live. Discover now