New Body, New Feelings

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Since some are making fun of how most chapters are NSFW, here's some wholesome for you to cool your jets /hj 

Moondrop never had an interest in romantic relationships since he was a robot. He knew he couldn't get a partner if he was always in that daycare. It wouldn't be possible. Sundrop would say he's pessimistic, but he would always comment how his thoughts were realistic; neither of them could get a partner so why bother? 

Some time went by and Sundrop thought it was a good idea if they had separate bodies. Moon didn't know how that would work. What would he do during the daytime while Sun's working? What would Sun do while he's working at night? Sun said Parts & Services would figure it out, so he didn't think much of it. During the time they were getting different bodies, they also got a few redesigns on their bodies to make them look, well, less like something from a horror movie and more like something kids would want to play around with.

The employees describe it as a surprise to both of them, and it meant two different things to the two. Sun loved surprises and Moon didn't, he thought they were bad. 

Moon was the first to be powered up in his separate body, opening his eyes to see an employee in front of him. Wait, opening? That doesn't sound right. The employee held up a mirror to his face so he could get an idea of what he looked like; He didn't have a smile permanent plastered across his face, instead, his face was resting. He was able to open his mouth, looking at the rows of sharp teeth that they gave him, along with a blue tongue that was set in his mouth. He found this odd, to have a tongue. He guessed the employees wanted him to have more experience such as eating. 

As he stared more at his face, he stared at his eyes. One was red with a black sclera on the white side of his face, and on the black side was a blue eye with a white sclera. If he stared long enough he could see a pattern of moon and stars in his eyes. As he turned his head at different angles, he noticed glitter shining ever so slightly in the light like he has starry freckles or something. He touched his face, glancing down at his black hand and looking at the other which was white, both of them having nails. He turned to see the back of them and back at the palms. 

His attire was different too; He wore a poet shirt with blue suspenders that had yellow stars on them, blue baggy pants that also had stars on them, and dark blue boots, along with a nightcap that had shiny stars. The employee asked if it was okay to turn the lights off, receiving a nod from the night-themed animatronic. The room went dark and before Moon knew it the stars on Moon's clothes began to glow in the dark, which he thought was cool. The lights were suddenly back on, and he stopped admiring clothes. He watched the employee struggle to get a tall mirror in front of them to have Moon look at his full body, his eyes widening as he stared at himself. He felt a weird feeling stir around his torso, where a stomach would be. It didn't feel bad it felt good. The employee smiled at him.

"How do you feel?" The employee asked, holding up the mirror a little straighter. Moon took a second to respond, not knowing how he would sound. 

"I feel..." He was slightly caught off guard as he spoke. He didn't sound like his voice was old and rusty like it did before, didn't sound like it was from a horror movie or sound like a smoker. His voice was gentle and deep. Some would say he has an attractive voice. "I feel pretty." Moon felt the feeling stir again, getting happy at the word "pretty". He never felt pretty before. The word continued to swirl in his head, watching the white side of his face glow with a faint pink. Was he blushing?

"Great!" The employee smiled and set the mirror aside. "Now, I'm gonna power Sunny on and I'll leave you two alone for a moment to get used to each other's appearances. I've got lunch break so I'll be gone a while, have fun!" The employee powered on Sunny before they quickly left and shut the door, leaving Moon alone with Sun still powering on.

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