Part 1

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Amelia's POV
I was having a beautiful dream till my alarm goes off. "Ugh fucking alarm" i thought to myself. I get out of bed and take a quick shower once i take my shower i do my skincare and brush my teeth. Then put on a little bit of makeup. For makeup I put on a little concealer and foundation. After that I grab my sky high mascara and apply it to my eyes. Then, I put highlighter on my nose. After that I get a call from Kylee I decide to answer it bc why not.
Amelia:Heyy girl
Kylee:are you going to school today
Amelia:yea are you?
Kylee:yes! I'm going with jayla. Do you want us to come pick you up?
Amelia:yea sure!
Kylee:okay! We will probably be there around 7:30ish
Amelia:okay bye ima go so I can get ready!
Kylee:okay byeee.

You then press the end button and hang up. For school you decide to wear something simple so you wear this:

 For school you decide to wear something simple so you wear this:

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Then do your hair like this

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Then do your hair like this.
Once you get ready you go downstairs and see your mom
"Shit" I mumble
"Oh hey honey I made breakfast do you want some"your mom said
"Uhm no thanks Im not that hungry...." You say
"Oh okay" your mom said
You fix your water bottle and run upstairs rq to get your phone charger then go outside and wait for Kylee and jayla.
A few minutes later you see jayla and Kylee so you walk up to their car and
Get in the back seat but when you get in you see jaden.

"Ugh why tf is he here" I think. "Hey girls" I say. "Heyyy" jayla says. "Hey gurl" Kylee says. "Why tf is jaden here" I say bc I really didn't want to sit close to him. "We had to bring him" jayla said. "Why do you hate him sm" Kylee reply's. "Bc he literally ghosted me and plus he's dumb and ugly and I hate him" I say. "maybe I ghosted you bc your a bitch" jaden said. He's so annoying, sometimes I just want to slap him across the face I thought. I roll my eyes.

A few minutes later

"Do y'all want to get Starbucks before we go to school?" Kylee said. "Yass" i said. "Yea why not"jaden said. Jayla then drives to Starbucks, "what do y'all want jayla says" "yk what if get" Kylee said. "My original and with a CAKEPOPPP" jaden says. "Damn someone wants their Starbucks-" Kylee said. "I want a (whatever you want)" I say. Jaden looks at me so I look at him "you know it's not nice to stare dumbass" I say bc first of all it's true and second of all I don't want him staring at me. "I was just seeing how ugly you look" jaden said. I roll my eyes and get in the middle seat and step on his shoes. "BRO WHY TF WOULD YOU DO THAT I JUST GOT THESE SHOES!" Jaden says angrily. I don't really give a fuck that i stepped on his shoe he's a bitch and deserves it. "Bro shut up jaden maybe if you weren't being a dickhead that wouldn't happen" jayla said. We get our drinks and they get their food. Jayla looks at me in a worried face and I say I'm fine. She knows abt my Eating discorder (idk how to spell it and I don't rlly care)  once we get done with our Starbucks we arrive at school. Me and Kylee and in the same grade but jayla is 2 years ahead of us. Jadens in our grade too but yk I hate him and I don't like talking to him. Tbh kylees my only friend in my grade bc I have huge trust issues and I trust Kylee. If javon wasent homeschool he would make me feel safe at school bc he's like my rlly close best friend. But he's sadly homeschooled. Jaden walks over to his "baseball friends" and do their random bullshit. Me and Kylee walk to our lockers bc our lockers are beside each other. Thank the lord I think. "I have math today for first period hbu" Kylee says. Aw man i have science ugh science is ass I suck at it. "I have science sadly" I reply. "Aw man but I think we have Spanish class together for our second period" Kylee said. "Oh okay well I'm probably gonna get to class" I say. "Okay bye girl see ya later"Kylee says as I start walking away. "Byee" I say back while walking. I then arrive in my class and see jaden. Ugh great. I look for an other seat that's not by jaden but the only seat is by jaden. Man fuck my life. I take a seat and jaden looks at me. "Looks like you have to sit by me today" jaden says to get on my neveres. "I think I know that" I say with a sarcastic smile.


Ava-Catherine - hey yall! How are y'all liking the story so far? The first and second part may be a little dry bc I need ideas. So I will try to work on part.2 today!


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