Part 9

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2 months later.
Amelia's POV
So yeaaa.... A few months ago about what happened with me and jaden well ever since we haven't been talking a lot.... It's like we are becoming enemies again. Today jayla invited me over to hang out with her and javon and ofc I said yes. I get to the Walton's house and knock on the door and ofc jaden has to open it. "Oh uh hey" jaden says nervously. "Are you gonna let me in?" I say looking at him in the eyes.m"oh yea right" he says moving out the way to let me in. "Where's jayla" I ask. "Hey baeee" i hear coming from the stairs. "Hey jaylaa" I say giving her a hug. "We should go to the beach I haven't seen you in so long!" Jayla says. "I knoww Ive been busy. We could go to the beach but I didn't bring a swimsuit." I say. "Gurl you can always borrow one of mine" jayla says. "Thanks baee" I say. "Of course follow me" we go to jaylas room and she gives me a swimsuit.

What you wear^^^

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What you wear^^^

Jaylas swim suit^^^

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Jaylas swim suit^^^

Jadens swim suit^^^Javons coming to but I can't find a picture

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Jadens swim suit^^^
Javons coming to but I can't find a picture.
As soon as I put the swim suit on I put a shirt and shorts on over my swimsuit. Then I braid my hair into two French braids. "Slay girl" Jayla says coming into the bathroom. "Thanks girll" I say. We both go downstairs and see jaden and javon. We get in the truck I have to sit by jaden because we are going to get Kylee and javon sat in the front and jayla is driving. We get to kylees house and jayla tells Jaden to sit in the middle. "Uh okay" jaden says. He gets in the middle and it's very awkward. "Heyy kylee" jayla says. "Hey gurl" she says back. I wave at her and she smirks I playfully roll my eyes. I play on my phone and get a text from my friend Malachi this is him

 I play on my phone and get a text from my friend Malachi this is him

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The text


malachiii:hey amelia! It's been a long time since we seen eachother how have you
Amelia:OMG HEYY I've been great! I miss you. How have you been?
Malachiii:I've been good! I miss you too. We should hang out soon
Amelia:yea for sure!
Malachiii:maybe next week?
Malachiii:okay I gtg by Amelia!

Jadens POV
I saw Amelia smiling at her phone. She must have found someone. I want to talk to her but when I do it feels awkward I don't know what happened between us but yk I use to hate her and Now she means the world to me. I can't loose her.

Sorry this part was short I have school tomorrow so I have to get good sleep because I am trying to stay focused this year. Good night guys love y'all

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