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Time skip

Soon school had ended so I walked to my lockers to put my books up and to grab some of my stuff I left in my locker that I may need at home. Once I shut my locker I see Jaden right behind me. "What the fuck do you want" I say. Jaden just looks at me up and down and licks his lips. I was so confused bc 1 he never does that. "We are leaving do you want to come with us" he says. "Yea?" I reply. "Okay well we are leaving now so come on dum-" before he could finish I pushed past him and walked to jaylas car. While we are waiting for jaden to finish talking to his dumbass friends, jayla starts a confo.
"So how was y'all's day" she says. "Mine was great. But I only had a few classes with Y/n" Kylie says. "I hated it I had to sit by jaden and science and he was so annoying. Then this afternoon he comes behind me and starts to flirt with me life tf then he went back to his normal self",i say. "Dick" jayla says in a quiet voice. "Maybe he likes you". Kylee says. "Hell no he probably likes that Leah girl or whatever". I say.(I will introduce her next) "nah girl your his type brunette,older than him,short,you play softball,your hot, everything about you is jadens type" jayla said. "Yea but who knows he may like Kylee,Kylee's older than him and is a brunette and plus he hates me and I hate him." I say. "speaking of softball are you trying out for the school?" Kylee says. "Yea probably, I think they are tomorrow". I say. "We'll good luck" jayla says. "Thanks girl" I say back. After a few minutes later jaden finally gets his slow ass in the car. "Finally god damn we had to wait for an hour" I say. "man stfu I was only out their for 10 mins" jaden says entering the car. After about 30 mins we arrive to my house. "Tysm for dropping me off bae" i say . "Ofc anytime" jayla reply's. I say bye to Kylee then they drive off. Bc yk i dont like talking to jaden. Anyways when I got inside I ran upstairs and went to take a shower,then eat,then I went to sleep bc I had nothing else to do and I didn't feel like talking to my mom at the moment.


A/N sorry if this story isn't the best so far. I promise it will get better lol.


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